Love is the cure

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Hyejin POV
After our bath I went to get our robes. I put on my first and then I put Wheein's on her. "There" I said as I tied the band at her waist. I then carried her to the bed. "Love you know I still have my feet, I can walk to the bed myself" she giggles.

"I know, but I want to carry you. For tonight you're my baby" "Just for tonight?" She pouts. I was about to respond to her when I heard footsteps and people giggling. I guess Byuli and the others are back.

After laying Wheein on the bed I went towards the door to see the chaos that they were doing outside. "Hyejinahhhh!!!" Unnie shouts, I chuckle at the scene.

Unnie's really drunk! She can hardly walk. "Babe! Shhh, people are already sleeping" Byuli said, covering unnie's mouth. Unnie just nodded but then started to have hiccups.

"How was your night? I can see someone enjoyed more than others" I giggle "Well kinda, she just had two drinks I promise"Byuli said, scratching her head.

"Where's Kei and Myung?" I ask looking for them. "They're downstairs having coffee, trying to sober up, I should make one for Yongsun too" she said.

"Yeah maybe you should, but also to be sure Byuli get some advil for unnie, she may need them tomorrow" I said. "You're right, do you know where I can find some?"

"If I'm not mistaken there should be one in the end left cabinet down at the kitchen" "Oh ok, I'll check later. Thanks, but anyway how's Wheein?"

"She's still flustered and scared, I can't blame her. After what happened" "Let her rest for now Hyejinie. Just be there for her" she said "Yeah I will thanks Byuli, but I think you should go now, I think unnie's about to throw up" I said, pointing at unnie.

Byuli then quickly got unnie and ran towards the nearest bathroom. I suddenly felt arms around my hips. I turned around and there was Wheein.

"Hey, why did you get up?" I asked as I caressed her hair. "I just wanted to hug you, were those unnie and Byul?" she asks

"Yes, unnie's really drunk, she could barely walk" I giggle "Ughh unnie always drink too much" She chuckled "I thought she could handle more, Byuli said she only had a couple of drinks" "Well unnie's really lightweight when it comes to alcohol, she may even be worse than you" she laughs.

"I'm not that bad!" "Oh come on love, you get drunk after a couple of soju shots" "But that's soju, cocktails can be watered down with ice" I say. "Yeah, yeah, keep trying to convince me" she giggles. "Hyahh, I'm not lying" I pout "Sure love, whatever you say" She said, annoying me.

I pulled away from her embrace and stomped my way to the bed, I then sat at the corner and crossed my arms. I'm not a baby, I can drink! I'm not like unnie, I can handle alcohol. I then felt Wheein hugging me from my back. "Are you mad?" she asked, peeking at my face from the side.

I look away, not letting her see my face. "I know you're pouting" She says "I am not" I said. "Then show me your face" she says and I look at her, quickly turning my face away. "You know I didn't mean like that" she says and I huffed, still not looking at her.

"Wasn't I the baby in our relationship? Why are you being one right now?" "I am not being a baby, and if I am... I am the younger one so I think it's fitting for me to act like a baby" "So you admit it? That you're acting like a baby. And by the way I'm older just by a couple of months, by the way you put it, it seems like I'm years older than you"

"I didn't admit anything" I pout again. "Oh come on love, fine... I'm sorry" She said and I stayed silent. She pulled me closer and started to kiss behind my nape. "Come... on... smile" she said between kisses. I tried to not smile at her cuteness, but after a while I couldn't resist her.

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