Back in the hospital

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Wheein POV

What did I just do? Wheein... you were supposed to ask for forgiveness for how you behaved this past few days, not break up with her. Now you've really hurt her, you promised yet you failed.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I have to ruin our relationship when we were perfect for each other. I was heading back home when I suddenly got a call from Yongsun unnie.

"Hello unnie" I said trying to hide the fact that I was crying. "Wheein! It's an emergency! Go to St. Benedict's hospital, Hyejin just tried to kill herself." Unnie said with a very frantic voice. 

"What? Unnie what?" "Hyejin just tried to kill herself! What the hell happened? Why the hell would she even think of doing this to herself? Wheein do you know anything?" Unnie asked, but I froze. It's all my fault. She just hurt herself, because of me she tried to kill herself.

"Wheein? Are you still there?" "Y-yes" I was barely able to say as my legs were trembling. Fuck you Wheein, you were the first to say that you wouldn't forgive yourself if anything happened to her, but here you are being the cause of her hurting. You really don't deserve her.

"Anyway, Byul and I are heading there now. We'll wait for you there ok?" "Ok unnie" I said and quickly ran towards the hospital, not caring how far it was.
Soon after I found myself in front of the hospital, panting for how much I ran.

I, then, ran towards the information area. "Hello miss, I'm looking for Ahn Hyejin" "She's currently in the ER" The nurse said. "Wheein! We're here!" I suddenly heard unnie's voice. I ran towards them. "Unnie how is she? How's Hyejin?"

"Oh Wheein... She's in terrible condition, she cut herself multiple times and tried to drown herself in her tub, doctor said that there's water in her lungs and now they're trying to get it out. They also said that a second longer under the water and we would've lost her" Unnie cried.

I felt numb at everything unnie just told me... Hyejin, my sweet Hyejin. How could I hurt you so much? "Wheein, darling is that you?" Auntie said, with her puffy red eyes from all of her crying. "Auntie... I- I" words fail me, I then started to cry.

"Oh darling, hush, it's not your fault. I know how you love my daughter, even though today wasn't a great day for the both of you, I knew you were going to fix everything together, but Hyejin, my poor daughter... She's just too fragile" She said then pulled me into a hug.

I burst out crying. "Oh auntie it's all because of me, I hurt her that's why she tried to do this, I brought her to do this..."

"I don't know everything that happened, but I'm sure you didn't intend to have this happen. It was Hyejin's decision. For now we can just hope for the best right now" She said and I nodded in response.

We were waiting for the doctor to come and talk to us. I can't stop trembling... "She'll be fine, she's a fighter, she has to, we still have a lot of things we wanted to do and to see" Byul said, with watery eyes as she hold my hand.

"We were still planning on surprising you and Yong for a trip in Europe, she was so excited everytime we would bring out the subject. She was so excited to bring you to Paris, she always told me that she couldn't wait for you to try the food, she wants to bring you to the Eiffel tower and show you how beautiful the city is from above".

"Miss Ahn Family?" The doctor suddenly appeared "We're here doctor" auntie said.

"How's our daughter doctor?" Auntie asked as uncle held her hand in support.

"We were able to extract the water from her lungs, but because her brain was without oxygen for a while she suffered tremendously. She's currently in a coma, we had to put her into a ventilator, but as soon as she's more stable we are going to take her off it" The doctor said.

We were all stunned by what we were hearing, after a while I couldn't hear anything, it was like I could only hear mumbling and nothing else.
"Wheein? Wheein they told me that we can enter Hyejin's room now" Unnie suddenly told me.

"Oh ok unnie..." I said and followed everybody to her room. Inside I found Hyejin on the bed with different tubes around her. It's like we were back when she had her car accident, we're back in the hospital... But this time she had bandages all over her arms.

Inside the room you could only hear everyone crying and the sounds that the machines were making. I need to sit down, my legs are shaking so much.

"Sweetie, hey... we're here, dad and mom loves you so much. Remember we were like this last time, but you didn't give up, you came back. Please come back, please sweetie, we can't live without you" auntie pleaded.

"Hyahh Hyejinah! Stop being lazy as always, get up! We still have a lot of things to do, places to travel to. You promised me that you'll never leave me, a promise is a promise remember?" Byul said.

"Wheein why don't you talk to her?" unnie suddenly asked me "Unnie the last thing that happened between was bad, what if she becomes worse if I talk to her? I can't, I won't let that happened" "Wheein, maybe that's not the case, maybe she's waiting for you to wake up."

"I'm not sure unnie, I'm scared of what could happen" I said. "We will never know until you try, so please Wheein... talk to Hyejin" unnie said, so I sat beside Hyejin. I held her hand, colder than it usually is.

"Hyejin... love... I'm sorry I didn't mean anything that I said... I was scared and insecure about myself after everything that happened this past few days. You didn't do anything wrong, it was me. It was all my fault. My insecurities got the best of me" I said and started to cry.

"I'm sorry for causing you all of this, please come back, even if not for me, please do it at least for your parents and your friends, they love you so much. If you think that their lives will be the same without you... well you're mistaken, so please Hyejin, please come back" I continued.

That's when I felt her hand twitch. "Hyejin?" I said looking at her, hoping she was waking up. And to my surprise she was. She started to cough because of the tube that she had in her throat.

Byul quickly called the nurses and the doctor, who quickly ran in the room. They asked us to wait outside as they did some tests to Hyejin. More than an hour has past and we are still waiting for what they are going to say to us.

"I was right see?" Unnie smiled "I knew it! She was going to wake up only if she heard you" Unnie continued. "She'll be fine now, right unnie? She's safe now?" I ask. "I hope yes Wheein. I hope..." She responded.

"Doctor, is everything alright?" Auntie asked. "She is safe now ma'am, but we still have a couple of test we need to do"

"Sure, please anything for my daughter" "Well firstly we'll need to have your daughter evaluated by a psychiatrist, it's something that we need to do because of her attempt of suicide" the doctor said and auntie nodded yes.

"Then we will ask you to enter the patient's room as we ask her some questions" the doctor continued "Ok doctor, anything for our daughter's sake" uncle said. And just like the doctor said soon after a psychiatrist has talked to Hyejin we were invited back inside the room.

"Okay this is the last test ok miss Hyejin?" the doctor said, while Hyejin just nodded yes. "So I'm just going to ask you some questions, it's to make sure that your memory is alright" The doctor said.

"So could you tell me your name please, your age" "I'm Ahn Maria Hyejin, I'm 20 years old" "Do you know the people we have right now in your room?"

"Yes, mom, dad, Byuli my bestfriend... uhmm Yongsun unnie, Byuli's girlfriend and..." "Why what's the problem miss Hyejin?" The doctor asked as Hyejin started to hold her head as if like it hurt.

"I think I know her... but I can't remember where I met her and who she is..." Hyejin said, pointing towards me.

"Sweetie it's Wheein, don't you remember her?" Auntie asked, worried. "I'm sorry... are you my friend? I don't really know why I can't remember who you are." Hyejin said.

As the doctor continued to ask further questions I felt my world literally crumbling down right infront of me. She doesn't remember me, she forgot everything that happened to me... She forgot how we loved each other. What am I supposed to do now?

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