Let's live together

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Third person POV
Weeks have passed since Hyejin's party. She and Byul are catching up with an old friend, Kei. There were a couple of times when Wheein and Yongsun joined them. Today was one of those times.

Hyejin invited everyone in her cafe. She had it close for the day for them to chat in private.
"So how has your week been like Kei?" Hyejin asked "Actually it could go better, I'm finding Seoul confusing. I guess it's really been a long time ago since I was here" Kei responded.

"Well next week, if I'm not mistaken, we won't have to stay home to study for any tests or quizzes, how about going out?" Byul asked "Oh really? Where should we go?" Kei asked.

"How about your hill house Hyejinie? Last time we were there, was what? 5? 6 years ago? I think it would be nice to bring Kei there, but also Wheein and Yong".

"I guess it's a nice idea, I'll have it prepared then, let's also have Myung! At least Kei won't have to be a 5th wheel to us four alone" Hyejin giggled.

"Hill house? Isn't that a series on Netflix?" Wheein asked "Yes amore, but I really do have a place by the hills, mom bought it when I was little, for me to get fresh air" Hyejin said.

"Ohh.. can't relate, living in Jeonju I always had fresh air" Wheein laughed. "Oh right, I was wondering how all of you meet? I mean, don't get me wrong... Wheein, Yong you both don't seem the type to... I don't know how to say this... live as comfortably as Hyejin and Byul" Kei said, raising an eyebrow.

"Kei!" Hyejin's eyes widen "What? I'm telling the truth. Plus you know what I'm saying right Wheein? Yong?" Kei said, while Wheein and Yong looked at each other, both showing that they were slowly getting more uncomfortable.

"Like tell me, surely you gained something by being with my friends. It's not like everyday a girl can say she's in a relationship with an heiress"

"Uhmmm.. no we never asked anything to our girlfriends, we're with them because we care for them and not what they have" Yongsun said.
"Right... If you say so" Kei said, rolling her eyes. "Kei please stop" Byul said, annoyed at what she's doing.

"Love I'm just gonna go to the restroom ok?" Wheein said, as she couldn't bear it anymore to hear everything that Kei was saying. "I'm coming with you" Hyejin said "No, no, no need love" Wheein said. "Are you sure amore?"

"Yes, just go order for me, you know what I like already anyway" Wheein said trying to smile, but she was unsuccessful.

"Byuli, unnie, could you please order for us... I want to talk to Kei privately"Hyejin said very seriously "Uhmm sure Hyejin"Yongsun said, scared for Kei as she saw how Hyejin was so serious.

"What did you want to talk about H?" Kei asked "Kei, I'm happy that you're back, but I won't want you to stay here if you'll continue to insult my girlfriend and her cousin." "That wasn't my intention H, you know me I'm very straightforward, I just wanted to be sure that my friends are with genuine people" Kei said.

"Ok, I understand your point of view Kei, but also think about us. You've been away for years, you left me and Byul. It's normal for us to meet new people. And it just happened to be that Byul and I fell inlove with them. And you know me Kei, since we were little, I've never looked at a person through his or her bank account. I don't care if you're rich or poor, if I care for you, I just do" Hyejin said without taking a break to breathe

"Then if that person ruins my trust in them, then I'll handle it, by myself. I don't know if you remember, but I've always said that I'm a great friend, but I can also be your worst enemy. I'll have you living in hell if I need or want to," Hyejin said, making Kei pale.

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