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Wheein POV
We ended up cleaning till late. It was only the four of us, all of Byul's maids were home to celebrate Halloween with their families, she thought that she wouldn't need them because it would've been just us four at home and that we could already take care of ourselves.

"I'm sorry you had to clean up all of this mess" "It's ok Byuli, it's not your fault" Hyejin said "Who was even that guy anyway? Why is he so angry at all of you?" Yongsun asked. "My crazy jerk ex" "Your ex? You were in a relationship with that thing?"

"Unnie" I said looking at unnie trying to make her understand to be careful with her words, they might hurt Hyejin without her knowing.

"It's fine amore, yes unnie unfortunately at one point in my life I was inlove with that thing, I can't even remember why I fell for him in the first place"

"He was good with his words, he knew how to convince you" Byul said, rolling her eyes. "He was expelled from school, he was caught while he was about to punch me" I said, remembering the events that happened that day.

"Anyway, why don't we talk about something else? Byul before all of the caos, what did you have in mind?" I ask "I actually cooked food for everyone, but everyone ate everything already..." Byul looked down, sad.

"Why not just make something easy now?" "Like what?" "Well Byul do you have a fireplace outside where we can roast some mallows?" "Are we doing what I'm thinking we're doing?"

"Let's go make some s'mores!" I smile "Oh great idea Wheein, we can also tell spooky stories as we toast our mallows" Byuli said excitedly.

"Wait, I only talked about roasting mallows... who said we were going to tell scary stories?" Oh Lord please anything but spooky stories. Whoever started this trend really didn't have anything to do that day.

"Why Wheein are you scared?" Byul asked "uhmm.. me? To some st-stupid stories n-no, of course n-not" I said stuttering, trying to somehow convince them.

But who am I kidding, I hate Halloween... Why make a holiday for scary things? "Yeah, very convincing," Byul giggled. "She may not be, but I am... can't we do anything else but that?" Yong unnie said, saving my ass. That's one reason she's my favourite cousin!

"Don't worry unnie, amore. Let's find something else then... How about a movie?" Hyejin suggested "then what should we watch?"Byul asked "Anything that's not too scary please" unnie asked, making me so happy "but all horror stories are boring, actually most of the time they're funnier" Byul commented.

"Unnie you pick, Byul and I love horror stories, so we're used to things being a bit scary. I don't want you two having nightmares tonight because of us, so if you pick the movie and get scared it's your fault" Hyejin said giggling.

"Come Yong, I'll show you the DVDs that I have, if we don't find anything you want we can still look online" Byul said "Wheein, pick with me?" Unnie asked "uhmm sure unnie" I said even though I didn't want to leave Hyejin all alone.

"Great then while you pick the movies I'll go set the things outside" Hyejin smiled "perfect, we shouldn't take that long anyway Hyejinah. If you need anything ask ok?" Byul said "yeah don't worry" she smiled.

I came closer to Hyejin "Love, are you sure you can manage?" I asked "of course, go ahead amore, don't worry" she said kissing me on my cheek.

We ended the night grilling some beef that Byuli found in her fridge and roasting mallows to make s'mores.

Hyejin was cute as always while she ate. How can she make food seem so delicious? She's the only person I know that can make me feel hungry just by looking at her eat.

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