First Kiss

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Hyejin POV
Months flew by... Wheein, me and Byuli continued hanging out. Especially me and Wheein, I'm really enjoying her company, I love her laugh, it's so contagious. While Byuli, on the other hand, is really being weird lately. She doesn't wait for me in front of the school anymore. She's avoiding me.

I thought with our last conversation she would've become less cold towards us... but I guess I'm wrong.
One day I decided to go to her house. Maybe I did something wrong without even knowing.

"What are you doing here?" Byul said, her eyes red, she seemed like she just cried.
"Byuli? What's wrong?" "Nothing Hyejin, just go I want to be alone" "No, I'm not leaving, not until you tell me what's wrong" "Hyejinah! Just for this time can you listen to me? I want to be alone can't you understand that?" she shouts, startling me.
"Byuli..." "Stop calling me that, just go to Wheein! You like her don't you?" "What?"

"Don't what me... You're clearly interested in her" she struggled saying as she started to cry.
I hug her. "What are you saying Byuli? You're my best friend. You know I'll always love you, I'll always care for you even if new people come into my life, I'll always be here for yo-" she suddenly interrupted me with a kiss.

I pushed her. "Byuli what the hell was that for?" "Hyejin, are you really blind? Can't you see how much I like you?". "You're the girl I was talking about... I like you" she continued
"This is all a joke right Byuli? Please tell me it's a joke" "Hyejin..."

I froze. WTF? Byuli likes me?  "I love you Hyejin, even before Hyukwoo arrived in your life, I've always felt different towards you, I wanted to tell you after giving you some time to recover from your ex. But then... Wheein came and... I hoped you'd be interested in me like I am to you. But whenever I look at you I know that that won't ever happen... You're interested in her and not me"

"Byuli..I don't know what to say..." "You don't have to say anything Hyejin, just leave me, give me some time to recover please" "Byuli... I don't want anything to change between us. I don't want us to ruin our friendship, I care too much for you. I may not be the one for you... but I'm sure there's someone out there, someone who will love you the way you want to" I held her hand and said those words trying to look at her eyes.

"Please Hyejin it still hurts..." "Fine... I'll give you your time and your space, but please whenever you're ready, come back to me, let's continue being the best of friends, like we were, since we were young. You know I can't live without you" I said as I tried to hold my tears "I'll try," she says before closing the door behind her.

Tears start to fall down my cheeks. Did I just lose my best friend?  How could I be so insensible to not feel how my own best friend feels towards me.
Suddenly my phone started to ring. "h-hello?" "Lion? Are you crying? What happened? Did you talk to Byul already? What did she say?" "I need you right now Wheein, I need someone to talk to, I'm so confused, I can't believe what just happened."

Third person POV
Byul was behind the door, she listened to Hyejin leaving. She couldn't help crying when she heard Hyejin cry on the phone with Wheein.

Ugh! Byul What did you do? You made her cry. You promised you'll never make her cry! She thought as she punched her arm, annoyed at herself.

~Flashback to when Byul and Hyejin were kids.~
Hyejin was bullied by her classmates because they thought she was ugly. Byul was the only friend she had, their family are business partners so they practically grew up together.

Hyejin was in a corner crying because a kid just teased her. "Hyejinah?" a familiar voice said, worried, making Hyejin look up. "Byuli!" she said then hugged the girl.
"Hey, why are you crying?" she asks "They say I'm ugly" she said pouting. "So? They're just jealous, because I believe that in our class you are the prettiest" Byul smiled "You really think that?" "Of Course I do, so why don't you wipe those tears and eat gopchang with me? I know you love it right?" Hyejin quickly smiled.

As they were eating, Hyejin suddenly became serious "Byuli.." "Hm?" "Promise you won't be like those kids, you'll never make me cry" "Of course, I'm your bestie am I not? I'll always be here to protect you and to make you smile" "I Moon Byul-Yi promise to never make Ahn Hyejin cry, cross my heart"

~End of flashback.~

In order to forget about what happened Byul decided to go to the city, look around for a girl to hook up with. She thought that maybe by being with another woman she would forget about Hyejin.

Hyejin and Wheein met at a cafe near Wheein's house. Hyejin cried as she told Wheein what happened.
Wheein, just like Hyejin, was in shock. But she knew that in that moment she had to stay focused , so that she could calm her friend.

"Hyejinie, please stop crying, you have no fault." "I was insensitive towards her, how did I not feel her feelings towards me?" "You were not insensitive Hyejin, even I didn't see anything that would let me think that there was something." "But I'm her best friend. I'm the one who's supposed to know everything about her" Hyejin cried, while all Wheein could do was hug her, trying to comfort Hyejin.

"Hyejin, come with me" "Huh?" "Come, I'll bring you to my happy place".
Hyejin didn't know what to expect, but she continued following Wheein.

Wheein took Hyejin's car keys and drove them to the amusement park near their city.
"Wheein why are we here?" "To lift your mood up" Wheein smiled, trying to hide the fact that she was really concerned about Hyeji. With that smile, Hyejin started to reflect about Byul's words... Am I really interested in Wheein? But I'm straight... I've never been interested in girls. I've always liked boys, most of them jerks of course. But I've never thought about being with a girl before and why with all of the people it has to be Wheein???

"Hyejin? Let's go in?" Hyejin nods. Wheein was so excited to enter that she practically dragged Hyejin around. They went to every rollercoaster possible. The thrill that those rides gave made Hyejin forget somehow about what happened earlier. Wheein bought her every snack possible in the park, knowing that Hyejin loved food she thought that by buying loads of food would make her happier.

"Cotton Candy!" Hyejin shouted, making Wheein giggle "You're still hungry?" "I wasn't but after seeing cotton candy I suddenly gained some extra space in my stomach" "Then let's go have some" Wheein giggled.

"Where do you wanna go next Lion?" "let's go to the haunted house right there" "No, please anything but that." "Why?" "I hate haunted houses, I hate being scared" "Oh come on Wheepup, for me? I'll be there. You can hold on me, I promise I won't let go" with Hyejin pouting and insisting, Wheein gave up and went inside the haunted house.

Just like she said, as soon as something or someone popped out Wheein screamed on top of her lungs, while Hyejin was giggling all the time. She found Wheein cute as she screamed at the people in costumes popping out to scare them. Wheein even started to punch a guy in a costume, the guy was so angry he called security, who escorted both girls outside the haunted house.

"That was too funny" Hyejin laughed "No it wasn't... I told you I didn't like haunted houses, now I even hurt a person in there" Wheein pouted.
"Sorry Wheepup, but that was too hilarious, I never thought you were that strong. That guy must've been hurt a lot for him to call security " Hyejin laughed.
"That's better" Wheein said "Huh?" "You're laughing." Wheein smiled.
Both girls were laughing when all of a sudden a kid runned towards them making the girls fall on top of each other.

Wheein's lips fell right on Hyejin . Both felt like electricity in their spine as their lips touched.
Wheein quickly came back to Earth. She stood up as quickly as humanly possible.
"Uh.. Uhmm sorry" Her cheeks were so red she looked almost like a tomato.
Hyejin just looked at her. With that kiss she confirmed what Byul said, She did feel something for Wheein, something she wasn't sure yet. "It's ok it was an accident.."

At that moment both Hyejin and Wheein felt awkward. Both remained silent.
"Miss, would you like to play?" a woman in a booth said breaking the silence between.
"Me?" Wheein asked "Yes, miss. If you at least get ten points with the bow and arrow you can pick 2 prizes from these" the woman said, showing the stuffed toys behind her.

"Would you like to play Hyejin?" Wheein asked "I'm really good at archery..." "Well then I'll play." The woman then gave Wheein 3 arrows. Wheein missed with her first arrow but with the second she quickly got a bullseye, shocking Hyejin.
Hi guys! I'm sorry this chapter is a bit sad... 😢😢
What would you do if ever your best friend said she liked you? And you don't feel the same way towards her...How would you react? What would've you said?

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