Puppy's first magazine cover

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Wheein POV
I still feel guilty about having insecurities and being jealous on Hyejin's birthday. I know she's already said that everything's fine, that I didn't ruin anything. But I still can't take this heavy feeling on my chest for some unknown reason.

Now we're at a photoshoot for a magazine owned by Hyejin's mom, I'm feeling very anxious and also shy, while Hyejin seemed in her element. Everyone was ecstatic to have her for their cover.

"Oh miss Ahn, it's great to have  you again, it's been a while since we had you on our cover." one of the stylist said. "I know right?!  I missed you guys too, by the way I wanted to present to you, my girlfriend Wheein, I hope you'll treat her great, just like how you treat me." Hyejin said.

"Of course miss, hello miss Wheein, it's really nice to meet you!" One of them said. "Thank you, it's nice to meet you too" "Oh miss Wheein, I just wanted to show you your outfits for the day, I know we already asked you what you weren't comfortable with, but I just wanted to make sure that you'll like the outfits and that you'll be comfortable in them." A woman said as she pulled me towards a rack full of clothes.

"Wooow! They all look great" I smiled "That's great miss, we're happy you liked them" "How about Hyejin, isn't she going to check her outfits?" I asked, looking around for Hyejin.

"Oh miss Ahn has never checked her outfits, she prefers to be surprised. She's always up to anything, she doesn't mind trying different styles and she does look great in anything so I guess it works better that way, it makes things more interesting for us stylists." The woman said.

"So miss if we're all good here, shall we go have your makeup and hair done?" She said, while I just nodded yes. She showed me the way to a room, where people were running back and forth to take things from one place to another.
In the room there was Hyejin sitting on a director's chair, getting her makeup and hair done.

She then turned around, as soon as she saw me she gave me a huge smile. "There you are amore! What took you so long?" She giggled. "Sorry I was just looking at the outfits" I said as I sat next to her "Did you like them?" she asks and I nod yes in response.

She then turned to a girl and whispered something to her. "What was that love?" "Nothing amore" "Aww you call each other love?" the girl putting makeup on Hyejin said, making me blush. "You're both so cute" "I know right! But she's cuter than me and I admit that,"Hyejin giggled.

While they were putting makeup on me I found myself getting even more nervous. I'm not sure what I should do. I didn't even practice poses at home. I was fidgeting on my seat, when Hyejin noticed me. She held my hand, taking my attention.

She smiled, but I can see that she's worried. "Amore are you nervous?" She asks and I just look at her, not sure on how to say yes with everyone listening.

She looked at everyone and asked them to leave us alone for just a couple minutes and they did. She turned her chair around so that she would totally face me.

"Hey, come here" She said, pulling me into a hug. "It's normal to feel nervous, it's your first cover shoot amore, I understand how you're feeling" "How can you know what I'm feeling right now?"

"Duh! Amore I'm your girlfriend, I've seen how you are when you are nervous numerous times" She giggles. "Seat here" She said, patting on her lap and I followed her instructions.

I rest my face on her shoulder and she continues to hug me. her hug made me calmer. I then gave her a few pecks on her lips, trying my best to not ruin her lipstick.

That's when the staff came back into the room. "Miss, can we come in now?... Oh sorry" One of them said, closing the door quickly, making us both laugh. "Amore I guess we have to go back to work now, don't worry about the shoot, just look at me whenever you're nervous ok?" "Ok love, thank you for making me feel better" "Happy to help" she smiled.

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