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Wheein POV
My eyes slowly opened. The first thing I saw was Hyejin sleeping so peacefully beside me, I can't still believe that I am married to this gorgeous human being. How did I get so lucky?
"You still have that habit amore mio" she groaned.

"Huh? What do you mean love?" "You're starring at me again" "Why? Is it bad? Can't I enjoy looking at my beautiful wife?" I said, then she opened her eyes slightly and slid closer to me, embracing me afterwards. "I like hearing you say that" she smiles.

"What?" I asked as I kissed her forehead. "Wife" she mumbles. "Well yeah my love we're are married now, you have no choice anymore. You're mine" I chuckled. She then pinned me down the bed.

She was on top of me giggling. "You too amore mio. You're mine now and forever. I can't still believe we're married" She smiled before kissing me.

"Me too my love, plus this place is fantastic. Who could've thought that a paradise like this even existed on our planet." I said.

We're currently in Palawan in the Philippines. Hyejin got us our own private bungalow overlooking the sea. The view is always breathtaking, the stunning sunsets on the clear water.

"Are you happy amore?" She suddenly asked "I am my love, the happiest I've ever been in my entire life, but you know what would make me extra happy right now?" I asked "What amore?" She asks, that's when I pulled her closer to me and kissed her.

"It our honeymoon, we should be more naked" I smirked "Is my amore horny?" She chuckles. "With you my gorgeous wife, always" I said as I took off her top, revealing her wonderful chest, which I quickly started to kiss and suck, making her moan.

I then turned her around and started to kiss her neck, her arms around me as she asked for more. "Well my love just cause you asked" I whispered to her ear, then I slid my hand in her pants and underwear before putting a couple of my fingers into her.

"Amore faster please" She moaned. That's when I finally took off her pants and her underwear and started to lick her clit as I added a finger into her, pulling and pushing into her harder and faster.

Soon after she came into my mouth. "Taste great as always Mrs. Ahn" I said as I licked her cum on my fingers. "Well Mrs. Ahn you're fantastic as always, but I think it's my turn now to have fun. I think it's only fair, right amore mio? I mean look at you, still clothed" She said.

Then she stood up and started to dance naked in front of me, trying to tease the heck out of me. She then walked towards our balcony overlooking the sea. The scene of her silhouette dancing made by the sun, is making me hotter every second that passes.

I quickly took off my clothes and run behind her. "You teaser" I chuckled as I lightly hit her shoulder. She smiled and then pulled me to a rough kiss. Slowly we walked towards the table, where she laid me onto. And from my lips she trailed kisses down to my core, making me gasp for air.

"I'm not the only one wet in this relationship" she smirks, making me turn red like a tomato. "Well my Mrs. Ahn, what do you want me to do to you?" She asked, putting some emphasis on Mrs. Ahn.

But before I could even respond she started sucking and nibbling my nipples, making me moan hard. "L-love" I said, trying to gasp for air. Hyejin didn't waste time and quickly started to lick my core and insert her fingers into me, just as I did to her a moment ago.

While her other hand continued to tease my breast, making me crazy from all of the wonderful sensations she was giving me. But when I was about to come she decided to stop, confusing me.

"L-love... Why, why did you stop?" I asked out of breath. "Wait I'm just going to get something we both might like... I hope" She says. "What are you going to get?" "It's Yongsun's gift, just stay there I'll come back asap" she says before living me outside.

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