The start of the trip

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Hyejin POV
It's currently 5 a.m. I am getting ready for our trip. I should call Wheein, she may still be in bed and for sure Myung is still sleeping.

"Hey there amore, goodmorning!" I said softly on the phone "Hi love, goodmorning" she responds with a very raspy voice. "It's time to wake up amore mio, we have a long journey ahead"

"Hm hm I'm getting up now" "Yeah right" I giggle "I bet you're falling asleep again right now" "Huh what sorry love what were you saying?" She said, making me laugh hard.

"Amore you need to get up, you also have to wake up Myung, you can continue sleeping later in the car ok?" "Fine, what time are you picking us up love?" "By 6:30 I'll be there ok?" "Ok, we'll be ready by then, see you later! I love you!" She said "I love you too" I said and then hung up the phone.

"Good morning miss, are you ready for your trip?"One of our staff knocked on my door "Oh yeah, I'm almost ready, oh can I ask you for a favor? Actually 2 favours" "Sure miss"

"Can you please prepare me 3 blanket and 3 travel pillows, then can you ask François to prepare me breakfast for 6 people that we can eat in the car" "Ok miss, I'll be back with everything" "Thank you very much" "It's nothing miss".

I was heading to my car when I saw mom going towards hers, she's probably going to work now. "Mom!" "Oh hi sweetie, are you going already?"

"Yes mom, I'm going to pick Wheein Myung and Kei first then we'll meet Byuli and Yong unnie at Byuli's place" "Oh ok, have a safe trip ok? I already called and the hill house is ready, have fun but still be safe ok?" "Yes mom, are you going to work now?"

"Yes, I left a lot of unsigned documents yesterday so I had to come in early today" "Oh... I see" "I need to go now sweetie, you call me when you're there ok, say hi to everyone for me" "Ok mom bye".

I arrived at Wheein's place and there she was with Myung by the gate, already waiting for me. I got out of the car "Good morning amore, good morning Myung!"

"Good morning Hyejinie" Myung said "Hop in I got a small surprise for you" I said to Myung. "Good morning amore mio" I said before giving Wheein a kiss. "Good morning love" She said as I opened the car door for her.

"I prepared some blankets and pillows so you can feel more comfortable during our travel" "Aww that's so sweet love, thank you" "It's nothing, now we should do pick up Kei, amore could you get my phone and text her that we're almost at her place please?" "Ok love" She smiled.

We arrived at Byuli's place. "Good morning Byuli, good morning unnie" "Good morning everyone" Unnie said, with her usual huge smile. "Have you had breakfast already?" I asked. "Not really it was too early I wasn't hungry yet..." Byuli said. "Perfect, I had François prepare some car breakfast for everyone" I smiled. "Oh Hyejinie you're the best" Unnie said.

"Here" I said handing them boxes "There should be a muffin, some scones, an egg sandwich and overnight oats, there's also a bottle of orange juice and a bottle of water" I smiled "Wow that's a lot of food Hyejinah" Byuli said

"Well I wasn't sure what you'll like, plus if you get more hungry during the trip you'll still have food" I said. "So shall we go? We have a very long way ahead" I giggle "Yup, I'll follow you then" Byuli said "Ok, see you later" I smile.

"Do we also get food?" Myung asked, making me laugh. "Of course Myung, they're in the back, let me get them for you before we leave" I said.
"Here you go" I said handing the basket to Myung "There are boxes in there, one for each one of us" I said, "Who's hungry then?" Myung asks. "Hand me mine and Hyejin's" Wheein said.

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