Who is she?

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Hyejin POV
I woke up in a strange place, with different tubes and machines surrounding me. The more I look around, I see people crying for some unknown reason.

Mom? Dad? Byuli? Unnie? And... the girl beside me, who I feel I know, but I can't remember why.

Do I know her? She was the one who noticed that I was awake then I just saw Byuli running to call for the doctor.

Oh so I'm in a hospital? Why? What the hell happened? As soon as the doctor and some nurses arrived they asked everyone to leave the room.

They took off the tube inserted in my throat, which made me gag a bit. "Hi miss Hyejin. Do you know where you are?"The doctor asked

"Well assuming you are a real doctor and they are real nurses... I think I'm in a hospital." I said. with my throat still sore because of the tube.

"Do you remember why you are in a hospital?" "No... not really."I said "Oh, may I know what's the last thing you remember?" "Uhm.." I say as I tried to remember. "The last thing that I can remember happening is that I was having a bath."

"Well miss you are here because you tried to commit suicide" The doctor said, shocking me. Me, suicide? For what reason? "Su-suicide? I did what?" I said, really confused.

"Unfortunately yes miss. That's why, we need you to have a talk with our psychiatrist" "A psychiatrist? But I'm fine really" I said.

"I'm sorry miss, but it's our protocol. We need you to see our psychiatrist." "But I don't even know why I did it in the first place, how the hell is a psychiatrist going to help?"

"Miss the psychiatrist could trigger your memory, so that you may remember why you are here" the doctor said.

Soon after the psychiatrist came, but after talking a while it didn't trigger anything in my memory. I just got a headache from it.

Then the doctor came back, together with my family. Then the doctor asked me different questions. The doctor asked me to name the people in the room.

Mom, dad, Byuli, unnie and.. the girl from a while ago... What's her name? I really don't remember her. I can see the shock in her eyes when I said that I didn't remember her. This means that she's someone important in my life, right?

If she's important to me then why don't I remember her? "Sorry... I don't mean not remembering you... I don't really know what's wrong with me. I'm really sorry" I said towards the girl.

"Oh... d-don't worry... It's n-not y-your f-fault" She said, trying to not show me that she was emotional.

"Doctor, what's wrong with me? Why can't I remember her, why I'm here... And why do I have this headache that's killing me." I asked

"Well miss I believe you are suffering from a memory loss, I think that because your brain was out of oxygen for a time it caused you to forget certain things." The doctor said.

"You'll have to stay here for a couple of days, we have to make sure you're stable before we send you home" The doctor said towards me and I responded with a nod.

"In the meanwhile, you have to be careful of letting out too much information at the same time, it could harm the patient" the doctor then said towards everybody else.

After a couple more questions the doctor and the nurses left us all in the room alone. "Oh sweetie we were so scared for you, don't ever do that ever again. We don't know what we would do if we have lost you" mom said, still with tears falling down her cheeks.

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