Meeting her parents

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Wheein POV
Hyejin just shouted against Byul. I've never seen her this angry before, maybe because I haven't known her for a long time.

She suddenly started to run towards the road. I see a car coming, I shout her name, trying to stop her, but it was too late, she got hit by it. I quickly ran to her.

"Hyejin!!!" I shout, running towards her. "Please wake up" I shout but she doesn't respond. "Help please! Call the ambulance please, anyone please" I cry.
The man who was driving was flustered, who could blame him? "What can I do?" He asked... "Please call for help" I pleaded, as nobody was doing anything as they were still all in shock.

The ambulance arrived finally and they took Hyejin.
"Can I please come with you" I ask "who are you?" "I'm a close friend" "we don't usually let people that are not family come, but we'll make an exception" "thank you sir" I say as I went in.

The sight of Hyejin in all those braces with so much blood all over her scared me.
I held her hand and whispered "Hyejin we're almost there" please hold on. Don't leave me...

We arrived at the hospital and they quickly took her. Doctors and nurses surrounded her. I was waiting for them to tell me what was happening.
A nurse then approached me. "Miss, do you know the patient's family?" "No not really but I can open Hyejin's phone, maybe you can contact them that way"

The nurse nodded and handed me Hyejin's bag from which I took her phone and opened it for the nurse.
"Miss how is Hyejin?" "She's in a very critical condition now, but we're trying everything to stabilize her" she said as she patted my shoulder.

After a while Hyejin's parents arrived. "Excuse me where is my daughter" Hyejin's mom asked the nurse. "I'm Ahn Hyejin's mom" she said, trembling. Her husband was holding her hand trying to calm her.

Hyejin's Dad noticed me and approached me. "Hi, you are?" "I'm Wheein, sir, Hyejin's friend" "Wheein? I've never heard of you" "Hon, Hyejin has been talking about her, remember?" "Oh yeah, sorry..." "It's fine sir" "Wheein, sweetie please tell us what happened" They asked with a very worried tone. I quickly told them everything as the doctor came to talk to us.

I'm relieved to know that she's away from danger, but she's still unconscious. The doctor doesn't know when she'll wake up.  For now they told us to wait patiently and then they let us finally into her room. I let Hyejin's parents enter the room first.

As it was getting late they asked me if I wanted to go home to rest, Hyejin's dad volunteered to drive me home, but I insisted on staying so they called my parents to tell them about the situation. They even got me clothes and a bed for me to rest in while I was in the hospital with Hyejin.

Her room's quite big. It has it's own private bathroom with a shower. A tv to entertain her and the guests I guess...
Hyejin's parents went out to get food and to sort out their work, while I remained beside Hyejin. I want to be here when she wakes up.

The next day I had to go to school, not just for me but also for Hyejin. I have to take notes for her, that way when she wakes up she'll have everything she needs for school.
Byul made me angry. She never even asked the situation that Hyejin was in, she never asked if she was ok.

"Byul! Aren't you gonna ask about Hyejin?" I said with an eyebrow raised. But she didn't respond and continued to ignore me.
"Can you stop being immature just for a minute? Hyejin's in the hospital and don't you care about her? Because if I'm not mistaken you're her best friend, if you really cared for her you would visit her even once!" "Cous... Wheeinie, maybe that's enough" Yongsun tried to calm me down.

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