Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: This is what I picture the rose garden pathway to look like. 

"Some things are hard Mal! Do you thinking learning to be king has been easy for me!? I thought we were in this together!" I said, Trying not to raise my voice. It was getting to the stage where I didn't know whether I could trust her or not.

"Ben you need to realise that I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses from the court! I didn't grow up around royalty like you! I grew up living on scraps of food and garbage that YOUR kingdom threw away!" Mal yelled.

With tears streaming down her face, She walked away from me. I tried to reach out to her but she just shrugged me off.

'What have I done?'  I sat down at the table with my head in my hands. This is a nightmare!


I try to breathe deeply as I sit up straight from the horrible dream. They seem to be a reoccurring thing for me lately, Mal usually keeps the bad dreams at bay.

'It felt so real' 

I rub my eyes gently, not realising the tears that were spilling out of my eyes like a waterfall. Glancing over at Mal's side of the bed, Not seeing her in our bed sleeping soundly makes me realise how fragile life is. As I glance at the clock I realise it's only 5:30 in the morning.

Deciding there is no point in trying to get back to sleep. I will just toss and turn until I have to get out of bed to tend to my kingly duties.

'I have to clear my head'

I get changed quickly, trying to be as quiet as I can as to not alert anyone in the castle. you know what happens when you alert the guards? It does not look pretty when you are caught, Especially by the captain of the guards.

Slipping on a comfy pair of trackpants, a pair of fluffy socks that I always wear when I'm feeling down, An oversize t-shirt and jumper and a pair of soft comfy slippers. The ultimate comfort outfit in my opinion. Although I'm not sure if Evie would approve of my outfit but for once in my life I don't care.

I peeked out of my door silently, making sure that no one is in the hall, I quietly stepped out of our bedroom. 

'It's so lonely without her here'  I let a tear roll down my cheek silently. I don't bother to wipe it away this time.

I walk quietly through the long hallway until I get to a small glass door, I walk through it and close it just as quietly as I opened it. Taking a deep breath I allow myself to smile a little bit, I smile is soon wiped off my face as I remember why I am here. 

The rose garden always seems to clear my head and helps me forget all of my troubles. When I'm out here I don't need my meds, The rose garden is my medicine in a way. 

'So is Mal' 

I take a deep breath as I begin to walk. The rose garden is off limits to the public, mainly because it is a very special place to my family. My parents don't know that I know about my other siblings. They think I'm asleep in my bed at night but secretly? I'm often here talking to my older siblings.

They may not be here with us today but in a way I feel like they are here watching over all of us, my parents included. Kind of like guardian angels I guess.

I part two rose bushes apart carefully, I step onto a hidden path at the very back of the garden, There sat a small garden bench and a few garden lanterns sat beside three memorial plaques. 

'Maurice Florian Beast'

"You will forever be in our hearts little one"

'Phillipe Benjamin Beast'

"You will be missed dearly baby boy. Forever and always"

 'Ruby Carina Beast'

"You will always hold a special place in our hearts baby girl"

I sat down in front of my siblings trying not to cry, I'm losing that battle very fast. I put my head in between my knees, I let my tears flow down my cheeks until they leave a wet patch on my trackpants. 

"Why does it have to be so hard? Why can't we be happy? I wish you were here to talk to me. I really need advice, Someone who are not our parents. I don't know what we can do to get through this. How can I help Mal get through this? I can barely help myself." I say whispering in between my sobs.

Soon I was growing tired, Too lazy to walk all the way back to my room I took off my jumper and laid it down on the soft grass. I soon fell into a somewhat peaceful sleep not worrying about the consequences of my late night adventure.

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