Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: This chapter is going to be a sad one. Just a heads up so you might want to grab some tissues. I'm sorry if you hate me for this one.. XD

Previously on Happily ever after?

 The former King and Queen had unfortunately experienced it all too often in their lives, They tried to conceive many times and eventually they fell pregnant. Everyone was ecstatic for the King and Queen but unfortunately they miscarried each time they managed to conceive. They never told Ben this, They didn't have the heart to tell him.

Maybe this was the time to tell him? 

Mal's Pov:

Deep down I knew something was off. Do you ever have that feeling where you have no choice but to trust your gut? That's what I am feeling now.

Taking in a deep breath, I can't help but think about what has happened in the last two weeks.


Everything hurts.

I never thought about how much it would hurt to breathe, let alone move. I feel like every single bone in my body is broken, I would not be surprised if there were a few bones broken.

I need to get out of this place before that psycho comes back.. But how? There are no windows... there's the smallest crack in the wall that allows a thin beam of light to seep into the cold, dark, dirty room..

It smells horrendous in here..

I wish I was with Ben.

'Ben' I whimpered softly

I feel my chest getting heavy when I think of my sweet, beautiful and kind Fiancé. I feel my tears slowly trickle down my cheeks, despite every single fiber of my being telling me not to show weakness.

I slowly pull my knees up towards my chest, Ignoring the throbbing pain and the internal screaming. In the end, I couldn't help but give in. Slowly releasing my knees, I tried to shuffle backwards so I was resting in the corner but before I got there the pain just got too much.

I could see black spots cloud my vision in the pitch black of the dark room, I feel my body fall to the side as I hear what feels like one hundred footsteps steeping towards the the direction of the room. But what I have learnt is that this place can be deceiving.

I heard the familiar sound of the door opening, This time was different though. I hear the unfamiliar sheath of a sword. 

Guards? what are they doing here?

Then it hit me. The panic button!

I heard a quiet sigh and I involuntarily let out a whimper. I felt like there were a million eyes on me, I heard the person quietly whisper in my ear.

"It's okay my Lady. We will get you out of here and back to the King, You're safe now" The strangely familiar voice said.

I swear I have heard that voice before. Then I realised where I had heard that voice before.. It was the captain of the guards. There's a reason why he is here, He is Ben's most trusted guard. Not that he doesn't trust them all.. It's just that the captain is the friendliest, most reliable and sometimes the most ferocious out of all the guards..

I couldn't help but let out a sound that was in-between a whimper and a groan when the captain started to assess me, He whispered a quiet sorry and continued his assessment.

I heard him let out a quiet 'shit' and he immediately commanded the other guards a series of instructions.

I feel like I'm in the ocean and I'm struggling to get back to shore.. Soon their voices sounded like they were underwater..

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