Chapter Six

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Ben's Pov:

I've never heard anything as loud as the crowd that was in the middle of the courtyard, we just announced we were having a baby. Everyone was so excited for us but I looked over to Mal, I took a hold of her hands and pulled her into a hug.

"Are you okay? You look like you saw something you didn't want to see" I whisper in her ear. Not that I need to, I could shout and people still wouldn't hear me.

"Yeah I'm fine Ben" she says in a tone that makes me feel worried, I know she's got a lot on her mind and plate at the moment, I just hope she's not stressed about everything...

Mal's pov:

As we walk down the stairs, I grip Ben's arm tightly. He looks at me concerned, He knows that I feel uncomfortable in big crowds but it's not because of that. I feel extremely nauseous 1. Because of Baby Beast and 2. Because I can't get that figure out of my head, I know I shouldn't be stressed about it but I can't help it. What if something bad happens?

"Mal are you okay?" He stands to face me, shielding me from the crowd.

"No! I'm going to be sick" I say as I try not to gag. Ben immediately calls the guards over to us but before they can reach us, I'm sprinting back inside to the nearest bathroom I can find. I can hear footsteps following me but I know it's just Ben and the guards. I rush into the bathroom just in time before it all comes up. By the time Ben reaches me he finds me kneeling on the floor hovering over the toilet trying to catch my breath, He kneels on the floor next to me holding my hair back so it's not in my way while I proceed to throw my guts up again. He ties my hair up in a low ponytail quickly, I thank him quietly before I finally shift away from the toilet. I lean against the bathtub trying to catch my breath, Ben quickly grabs a glass and fills it with water handing it to me. 'God knows where he got that from...'

"Think we should postpone getting the VK's until later" Ben says while gently taking the glass from me and carefully trying to help me stand up.

"No. We have already put it off once already, I'm not letting those kids feel like they aren't coming to Auradon after all they've been put through"

Ben sighs in defeat knowing he won't win. I smile at him as he leans into kiss me but I pull away before he does, He looks at me in confusion.

"I would prefer if you wouldn't kiss me right after I've just thrown up" I say as I try to walk over to the sink but I stumble a little bit which causes Ben to rush over to me holding me up gently but firmly. I blush a little bit and walk over to the sink with Ben firmly by my side and brush my teeth and wash my mouth out.

"Still think it's a good idea to not postpone it?" Ben says with concern in his voice.

"I know you are concerned about me and Baby Beast but sometimes we have to move on with King and Queen duties Ben. We can't ignore them" I say firmly

"Well can we at least run up to our room and grab your medicine? I don't think the limo driver would be too happy about you throwing up in his car" He says chuckling

"Please! I would do anything to not feel nauseous like this ever again." I say as I finish freshening up, trying to make myself presentable again before facing the crowd for the second time today.

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