Chapter One

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"Ben?" I say just in time as I sprint to the bathroom to throw up for it feels like the millionth time today.

"That's it! I'm getting the royal doctor right now" Ben says as I continue to throw up everything I have in my system, at this point I'm gagging and dry heaving because there's nothing in there.

"Deborah can you please tell the royal doctor that she is needed in my chamber as soon as possible?" He asks firmly.

"Of course. Is everything okay your majesty?" Deborah asks with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Thank you Deborah" Ben replies quickly

He rushes back to me as I gag and dry heave harshly.

"Ben? I don't feel good" I sniffle as tears stream down my face constantly, He pulls me onto his lap as he whispers sweet nothings in my ear trying to calm me down.

**Ben's Pov**

I look down and sure enough Mal fell asleep in my arms. 'Poor little dragon' I thought as she snored softly in my arms, I gently pick her up trying not to disturb her. As soon as she is lying down on our bed, I cover her up with the blankets, knowing she will probably be exhausted from her 'adventures'.

"Deborah can you please tell Fairy godmother and my parents to come to my chamber please?"

"Of course, your majesty. Are you okay?" She asks concerned

"Yes, I'm fine. It's Lady Mal I'm worried about" I say pacing around my room nervously biting my fingernails

I heard footsteps rushing towards my door, there was a quick but quiet knock and sure enough both my parents and fairy godmother stepped through the doorway.

"Ben what's going on? Is everything okay? What happened? Is someone injured? Is Uma back? What's going on?" They all asked at once.

I raised my hand slightly to stop them, hushing them while I gestured towards Mal's sleeping form, they immediately stopped talking.

"Malsbeensickalldayandidontknowwhattodoandimfreakingout" I say in one big breath, trying to stay quiet.

My mother stops me in the middle of my ramble and wraps me up in a hug, I didn't notice that I had tears running down my cheeks until she wiped them away with her thumbs.

"Ben. Honey you need to calm down before you have a panic attack. Look at me okay? Breathe with me okay?"

"In and out, In and out that's good. Keep doing that okay? It's going to be fine alright?" My mother whispers in my ear softly

"Son do you want to explain what's going on? slowly this time" My father chuckles knowing I would do anything to protect my beautiful girlfriend.

"Well Mal has been throwing up all day and we both have no idea why, we think it might be something she ate." I mentally wrack my brain trying to think of what we both ate that might have made her so sick.

As if on cue Mal bolts out of bed to the bathroom with me hot on her heels to comfort and soothe her.

"Shhh babe it's okay, it's alright I'm here and I'm not leaving shh" I whisper softly in her ear while she continues to gag and dry heave over the toilet.

"Ben? Mal?" My parents and fairy godmother look at us in concern as they peer into the bathroom. I get Mal back to bed as soon as I know she's done.

"Can we talk about this in the other room?" I say rubbing my neck out of worry.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. We all turned our heads to Mal who was fast asleep and didn't move a muscle.

'She must be exhausted'

My father goes to open the door, as soon as he does the royal doctor walks in and immediately starts towards Mal.

"Please try not to wake her, she's been through a lot today" I say as I rub my hands together nervously

"Don't worry your majesty I'm just going to do a few tests on Lady Mal then I'll be on my way"

****Time skip****

The doctor was back with the test results eventually, It took a little while longer than expected, you know with Mal being sick halfway through them, Luckily she fell asleep straight after the doctor was done.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news? The doctor looked at us curiously

"The bad news first please" I say as I look at my parents and the fairy godmother

"The bad news is Lady Mal seems to have a severe case of the stomach flu, and should not be doing any stressful or strenuous activities until she is 100% better. I also recommend a lot of rest and fluids until she is back to full health" The doctor explained.

"And the good news?" My mother and father ask curiously

"Well it seems like Auradon will have a new heir! Congratulations King Ben you're going to be a father" The royal doctor smiles widely

"Ben? Ben!"

Those were the last words I heard before everything went black.

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