Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Enjoy the Bal chapter. I hope there are many more to come. anyway! enjoy! The picture above is what Ben and Mal are wearing to the council meeting. Just imagine a crown on Ben's head.

"Who are you?" I yelled out in anger. What does this person want? Why am I in the middle of nowhere? The last thing I remember is falling asleep in the rose garden and then waking up with a start. Is this a nightmare? It better be, I don't know if I can take much more of this.

"It's simple your majesty. I want your family to suffer like I have suffered all this time! My life was made a living hell thanks to you and your stupid family!" He yelled while lunging at me. I quickly got up and got into a fighting stance. I will not let this psychopath ruin my sleep and more importantly my family. 

"I didn't do anything to you Pitch! So why are you trying to ruin mine and Mal's lives!? you're terrorizing us!" I said while dodging his 'attacks' truthfully he didn't have very good aim that's for sure.

"You didn't do anything to me but your parents did! So since I can't get to your parents.. I will make your life a living hell instead!" He chuckled evilly. He circled me slowly, I was turning with him so I could keep my eyes on him at all times.

"See you soon your majesty" He said while slowly walking back into the rose bushes, He smirked as I rushed towards him. I parted the rose bushes carefully again, I know what It's like to be stabbed by a rose thorn.

'It hurts like a bitch'

I sighed once I finally got the rose bushes apart, I looked around in defeat as I realized he was gone.

'This can't be real. Why would he want to hurt Mal and I? what did we do to him? What happened between Pitch and My parents? Why does he have to involve Mal? Can't she just be happy?  She has been through a lot in her life and I just want her to be safe and happy. Is that too much to ask?' 

All of these thoughts were running through my mind at a million miles an hour. I have to get back to the castle and call an emergency meeting with the council.. NOW

I ran up to the bush and parted it roughly, Not caring if I'm stabbed with the thorns, As if karma just came up to me and kicked my ass, I felt a sharp stabbing sensation in my hand.

"Fucking great! What's next!?" I swore loudly, As if the gods hate me enough. It started to pour down with rain. I threw my hands up in defeat.

'Fuck!' I thought while walking back through the garden back into the castle, Unluckily for me I ran into Lumière.

'Just my luck!' Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love him like a father but he's very protective of my parents and I. He won't shut up when he starts to ramble! and it doesn't help when I'm soaking wet standing here in my PJ's.  

"Your majesty! What happened to you? Are you okay? Your Mother and Father have been worried sick about you. They went to look for you in your room but you were not there" He said with a frown on his face.

"I'm fine Lumière. If you don't mind.. I really need to shower and I need to talk to them urgently. Can you send them to the council room along with fairy godmother? Tell them It's urgent." I said looking up at him.

"Of course your majesty. I will tell them right away" He says while walking away to find my parents.

"Oh and Lumière?" I say turning around quickly, Hoping to catch him.

"Yes your majesty?" He says back immediately.

"Can you call the council too? They need to hear this. This situation involves everyone.." I says with a serious tone of voice.

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