Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: I had to change a couple of things in the last chapter to fit better into the story. The ball will be taking place in Three weeks time and It will be in celebration of Ben and Mal's engagement not their baby.


Jarkzey :)


The council had adjourned as soon as we figured out all of the details of the ball, however my parents, Mal and I had stayed in the council room to discuss further things that we needed to get off of our chests.

"I think you two need a little get away.. We can see on both of your faces that you are not doing well, call it a mother's intuition but I can tell that you want some time for yourselves as a family to spend some time away from the stresses of every day life. You haven't had time to mourn your loss, Your father and I will take care of taking care of the kingdom and planning the ball. I'm sure your friends would like to help as well?" Belle explained.

Both Mal and I smiled widely, We agreed that we needed some time alone. I mentioned that I think Evie would like to design the dresses and suits for the ball.

"Evie wouldn't miss a chance to dress me up. You know that." Mal told me while rolling her eyes playfully. I chuckled and pulled her into me gently. 

"I think you look beautiful all dressed up" I whispered in her ear. She pulled away and slapped my chest playfully. My Mum and Dad chuckled while watching us.

"I suppose we better call a AK meeting then? Should we text them to meet us in our room?" I said turning towards Mal. She nodded and sent out the text to meet us in our room in ten minutes.

"Are you sure you want to take over for a little while? I mean we can just stay in the castle if it's too much trouble" I offered. My parents looked at me like I had two heads. They both looked at each other and smiled.

"We will be fine Ben. You two need some time away. Just be back in time for the ball, We will see you in two weeks okay?" My mum and dad said gently. They both pulled us into a nice hug, My mum whispered something in Mal's ear that made her blush and giggle softly.

'Now I'm really curious'

"Now off you go. Go see your friends then I better not see you two until the ball okay?" My mum demanded. I hate to admit it but Mal and I have hardly had any time alone together, both physically and mentally.

Mal's Pov:

"Mal? May I have a word with you alone please?" Belle said as we walked towards the door.

"Sure. I'll see you up in our room okay?" I said as Ben and Adam walked through the door to give us privacy.

"You wanted to talk Belle?" I said while walking back into the council room and shutting the door gently behind me.

"I'm just checking in to see how you are doing. I know it's hard situation that you are both going through but please know that you are not alone. You can always talk to me if you need help or advice." Belle stated while grabbing my hands gently. With tears in my eyes I took Belle in my arms and hugged her tightly.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for someone to say that to me. Ben and I may not be married yet, but ever since we have met you have been nothing but kind, graceful and beyond nice to me even though you did not need to be. I love you Mum" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. Belle pulled away gently and wiped my tears away with her thumbs. She smiled at me and hugged me again.

"You are family now Mal, You may not be married yet but you will always have a special place in both of our hearts. Both Adam and I will always be here to keep that soon-to-be husband in check okay? If you ever have an issue with anything, whether it be a girl issue or an issue with Ben you will always be welcome to come to either of us." Belle said with tears rolling down her cheeks. It was my turn to wipe her tears away.

"Now you better go and see your friends. I won't keep you any longer. I will see you two in two weeks okay?" Belle said while opening the door for me.

"We will see you in two weeks. As soon as we get back we will come and find you okay?" I said while waving goodbye.

'How the hell did I end up with such a beautiful kind mother-in-law?' I thought as I walked up the long tiring stairs. Why the hell do we have so many stairs in this place? No wonder Ben slides down the banisters most times. I dont blame him.

I was pulled out of my daydream by Ben opening the door to our room. He looked towards me with a bright smile. I couldn't help but return the smile, However he frowned when he spotted the redness in my eyes.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did something happen to you?" He said while rushing towards me. I sighed and put my hand over his mouth, He scowled when I interrupted his speech.

"I'm going to start doing this every time you ramble. I'm fine. Your mum just wanted to see how I was doing with our situation." I said while keeping my hand over his mouth, Suddenly I felt a wet patch on my hand.

"Eww! licking my hand!? Really? How mature your majesty!" I yelled, disgusted at his actions.

I rolled my eyes and wiped his saliva on his nice blue suit. He looked at me offended. He grabbed me suddenly and picked me up. He shut the door and locked it, placing me down on the bed gently, I tried to crawl away from him but he caught me.

"Gotcha" He said while pulling me towards him gently, being careful to not hurt me. He kissed me passionately, I moaned into his mouth. I missed this. Returning the kiss, our tongues danced in a fiery battle, our teeth clanged together like glass. I reached up and pulled his hair roughly, He growled into my mouth as I tugged. I know he loves it when I pull his hair.

Suddenly we heard a knock at the door. We both groan in annoyance as we pull apart.

"Be there in a second!" Ben said while trying to fix his hair, He looked over to me and saw I was fixing my hair as well. As soon as I was done fixing my hair he unlocked the door and let everyone in.

"What's the big emergency? And why do you two look so flustered? We interrupted something didn't we?" Evie looked at us in amusement.

"Hand it over" Evie said while turning to our friends. Each one of them handed over twenty dollars. Both Ben and I rolled our eyes.

'Typical Evie' I thought as she received a few twenty dollar notes from our friend group.

"You bet that you guys would walk in on us?" I said while crossing my arms. Ben laughed and wrapped me in a hug.

"We will finish what we started later" He whispered in my ear, he nipped my ear subtly. making sure that our friends didn't see.

'He is going to be so fucking sorry he did that to me'

"Yup!" Evie said while putting away her money, pretty pleased with herself. We stood aside, letting our friends into our room.

"Now what's the emergency?" Evie said while making herself at home. That's the thing with Evie, She has the ability to make herself at home even though she has her own castle.

"Pitch Black has returned and we need your help with planning a trap"

Everyone looked at us with their mouths practically on the floor.

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