Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: There are going to be trigger warnings in this chapter.

I'm so sorry it has taken this long for me to update this book, thank you guys for all the encouragement and patience. I can't believe this book is almost at 15 thousand reads!!! It honestly blows my mind, I can't thank you enough

P.s. @kaznorman1972 I appreciate ya ❤ uwu

Thank you so much,
Jarkzey ❤

Previously on happily ever after?

"We thought it would be better for you to tell her, It might soften the pain a bit" My mum suggested. I sighed in defeat.

I know Mal has to know but that doesn't make it easier on either of us, Hey it can't be worse than my reaction right?

'Am I going to regret this?'

I quickly reached down to pick up the bag from the ground, Both my mum and I walk towards the door swiftly. I open the door and let my mum walk through first. As we are walking down the stairs side by side, I keep thinking of how I'm going to tell Mal, Every scenario ends up in a flood of tears for everyone of us. As I sigh deeply my Mum grips my arm gently.

"Are you okay? Look I know it's hard but we will be here for you two, Would you like us in the hospital room with you?" She says as we get to the bottom of the stairs. I nod my head as we get closer and closer to the heavy double doors of the palace, I take a deep breath as I reach for the door handle, However they open before I get a chance to open them myself.

Slowly but surely we make our way out to the waiting limo, Standing there was Lumière with a sad smile on his face, I walked up to him and gave him a gentle hug. You see Lumière was like a father figure to me, All the servants 'God I hate that word' were like family to me, My father grew up with them and so have I. My family owes all of the a great debt, You would think a king would treat their servants like rubbish but it was the complete opposite with my family. We are all family in this castle and nothing will change that, I know I wouldn't change it for the world.

I was pulled out of my daydream by Lumière's soft silky gloves wiping the tears that are running down my cheeks

"Everything will be okay your majesty" Lumière said softly patting my back. I nodded gently, not entirely believing him.

As we said our goodbyes, we slid into the front of the limo. As my mum to the driver to go the hospital I couldn't help but sigh deeply as I ran through every scenario in my head, I felt my mum grip my arm gently, I opened my eyes to see her looking at me concerned.

"Are you okay? Look, I know it's hard but we will be here for you and Mal, Your father and I will always be here to support you two, no matter what you decide" She says as we arrive at the hospital.

We were about the get out of the limo when the press surrounded us.

'Great' I thought as I heard the muffled voices chattering and snapping and crackling of the flashing lights of the cameras.

"Mum I'm scared" I said softly as I felt the car shake a little bit from the reporters pressing up against the car. I close my eyes tightly, trying to imagine myself in a happy place. I can feel my fists clench themselves involuntarily as the shaking gets worse.

"Ben listen to me, you need to keep calm okay? Just try to keep breathing normally. That's it. I'm right here with you. You'll be fine" I hear my mum whisper in my ear softly.

I take a few deep breaths as I drown out everything but my mother's voice. Deciding we have both had enough of these stupid reporters, I find the magic button that has saved my family God knows how many times. Pressing it three times quickly, Within a minutes dozens of palace guards surround the limo creating a barrier between us and them.

Soon enough a familiar face stormed through the front doors of the hospital with such a furious face that even hades himself would be scared out of his mind.

"ENOUGH!! Guards! get these scum out of here and out of this kingdom! They are to NEVER work in this kingdom EVER again!" My father roared. He has had enough of the press ruining his family's life.

"Issue each reporter with a restraining order, If they do not comply with the order or you see them in the kingdom.. Lock them up. If you do not follow these orders you will be dismissed from the royal guard, You will also be filed a restraining order. There will be no exceptions." My father said firmly.

The looks on the reporters faces was comical, I wish I had taken a picture.

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