Chapter Forty

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"Are you sure you didn't just leave the door open your majesty?"

"No. For the thousandth time I did not leave the door open, I did not give anyone a key. The only ones who have a key are Mal and I, my parents and our friends but we all know they would not do anything like this. I specifically remember not leaving the door unlocked" I said while rubbing my face with frustration. I dont mind the royal council but at times but I was a hair away from yelling at every single person in the room.

We spent many hours trying to decide what to do about this incident this is what we came up with. Pitch's 'attacks' are becoming more frightening and frequent. We need to do something about it now. not later. not soon but NOW. 

"Before we go any further I need to tell you all something" I look over to my parents and they nod in approval, I know that they think it is the best for the council to know that Mal was pregnant again. If they don't know now something could happen, and I would never forgive myself if it could have been prevented if I had told the council before.

"Mal is pregnant" I said quickly, taking the band aid technique that my parents often used. Suddenly feeling very shy, I look down at my feet like a little kid that has been scolded. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over to see that both my father has put his hand on my shoulder in support, I feel myself relaxing a bit knowing that both of my parents will stand up for me if the council objects to Mal's pregnancy, I doubt that it will happen but you never know with royalty.

They are a bunch of stuck up snobs, The irony is real right?

I expected a lot of yelling and objections but when I look up all I could see are smiles on the royal council members faces, A look of happiness and pride almost. Some had a few tears running down their faces.

"Thank you for telling us this wonderful news your majesty. This will be incredible news for the kingdom but it would be wise to keep this between the council and your parents for now, Pitch is proving to be unpredictable and we don't know what he will do when and if he finds out this news." All the council members nodded in agreement with Princess Rapunzel.

"Right now that is a huge weight of my chest. I think there needs to be guards protecting Mal and Baby Beast at all times until Pitch and whoever else is behind all of this is under arrest and in a cell, If it is possible I would like fifty of your best men, people who you would trust with your lives on duty and actively watching and patrolling the kingdom and the castle. Any signs of something going on and they have my permission to investigate and defend the kingdom only when it is necessary. Understood?" I said firmly not really asking them but telling them. 

"Are all the plans in place for the Ball mum?" I asked her, hoping all of the plans were in place and everything was set in stone. If I know anything about my mum she would have gathered everyone and put them in groups to get everything done faster. 

"Yes Ben everything is organized, we had them done the day after you and Mal went away for your getaway." She said gracefully. I knew she would never let me down, She absolutely loves planning special events, I have no idea why... They stress me out even more than I could ever imagine.

"Good because The ball is happening in a week and we are gonna get this son of a bitch once and for all" I said in a 'Don't try to argue with me because it's not happening' kind of voice.

After going through the very last touches on our plan it was go time. The captain of the guards was summoned into the room and we went through the plan and the security risks as well as the protection for Mal and Baby Beast, He also agreed that Mal and Baby Beast were indeed at risk and he would make sure no one would know about Mal being pregnant. She's in a very fragile state at the moment and if the news got out that Mal was pregnant? Well you might as well kiss the plan goodbye.

As we were wrapping up the afternoon soon turned to night and we were all exhausted. As I was putting away the paper work into the safe I heard something no man would like to hear..


Oh shit.....


Hello there! Yes it is me! and no your eyes are not playing tricks on you. I'm so sorry my unexpected disappearance but I'm going to try to finish this book and hopefully start the sequel to this one, It is almost finished! I can't believe I can actually say that. I can probably say that there is two to three maybe four chapters left in this book..

Anyways.. Bye for now! see ya in the next chapter,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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