Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Previously on Happily Ever After?

As we got to the council room doors, I turn to her and ask her If she's ready. Not saying another word, She looks up to me and nods.

As we open the doors together we see a bunch of people look at us in shock.



Mal's Pov:

As we walked in the door, everyone stared at us with their mouths open wide in shock. Ben and I looked at each other with worried looks on both of our faces.  

 "Mal! What are you doing here? You should be resting, You just got out of the hospital this morning" Belle said walking up to me, hugging me gently. Adam walked up behind her shortly after. He gently hugged me and whispered in my ear something I will be forever grateful for.

"Thank you for coming, Belle doesn't mean what she said, she's just worried about you. We all are" He said squeezing me gently. 

I smile after he lets me go. "Ben didn't force me here. I could see it in his eyes that something is bothering him, so I made him bring me here. He could use all the support he can get. We both can." I said loudly so everyone could hear.

I looked around to see majority of the royals accepted my statement, some looked in disapproval but honestly? I don't care about their opinions.

'Speaking of royals.. Why are we here?' 

I was snapped out of my daydreams by someone asking Ben what we were all doing here, As if Ben was pulled out of his little daydream, he walked to the head of the table and sat down. The rest of the royals followed his lead. I sat down in the chair next to him and reached down under the chair to grasp his hand in mine.

I slowly rubbed little circles around his knuckles, he visibly relaxed feeling me next to him. He looked over to me and smiled gratefully. Taking a deep breath he began to talk.

All of their eyes were fixed on their King but occasionally there would be stolen glances towards me. I don't mind but I'm more fixed on my Fiancé.

No one's Pov:

Without saying a word King Ben placed down a stack of papers, he handed out a piece of paper to every royal council member, They all looked at each other in confusion. 

"Before I explain why we are all here today, I would like you to write down the names of every single person who has wronged you in the past. Villains and residents of Auradon can be written down" The King explains. Every person in the room began writing down the names of people who have wronged them in the past. Of course there were the classic villains such as The Evil Queen, Maleficent, Mother Gothel and Gaston. Only one villain on the list stood out to the King

Pitch Black.

Ben's Pov:

Once I gathered up the pieces of paper, I notice a familiar name on a couple of pieces of paper. I visibly tensed as I read the name. The same son of a bitch who threatened the lives of my entire family, threatened my beautiful Fiancée and my kingdom. Mal looked over at me and grabbed my hand immediately and pulled me aside, just out of ear shot of the other royals.

"Ben? Are you okay? You look like you have just seen a ghost." Mal said, looking up at me with a worried stare. She cupped my face with her hands gently, I gratefully leaned into them. placing  my hands over hers, She smiled and gave me a loving kiss and a hug.

Once Mal had calmed me down, We returned to the round table. Everyone was looking puzzled as to why I had freaked out a little bit, Taking a deep breath, I finally told them why I had called everyone here.

"Pitch Black has returned and this time I don't think he will stop until he has got what he wants"


Boom! cliffhanger!!

Im so sorry this one is so short compared to the last chapter but I had an idea of what I wanted to write but I could not for the life of me put it into words. That's why It's kind of late. I had a slight writer's block yesterday..

But TA-DA!!!! The villain is finally revealed! It's the one and only Pitch Black from the Rise of the Guardians! (yes I know its a DreamWorks animation film but I couldn't think of anyone else) The reason I chose Pitch Black is because I didn't want to go for the stereotypical Disney villains who are always out for revenge.

anyway hope you enjoyed!



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