Chapter Eleven

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Previously on Happily ever after?

The wait was killing all of us especially Ben and I, the doctor had a worried look on her face and I don't like it one bit.

"Mal I'm afraid that your baby is......."


"Mal I'm afraid that your baby is going to have a very protective father and you have a very loving, caring and kind Fiancé on your hands... You baby is perfectly healthy and fine but a little shaken up, luckily the knife only just missed the placenta, It is very important that you are on bed rest until you heal completely. That means no dancing, no royal duties and certainly no stress... The doctor said while smiling seeing the tears coming out of all of our eyes.

"I'll leave you to digest this news... If you'll excuse me, I need to tend to my other patients now" The doctor said politely leaving us in the quiet hospital room.

"C'mon honey let's leave these two alone to digest the news" Belle said to Adam sensing we need to have some alone time as a family, Adam protested but Belle grabbed his arm and scolded him. Belle winked at me as she playfully pushed Adam out the door and into the hallway.

I tried to take a deep breath but I'm not going to lie it hurt. A LOT. I groaned as I let it out still in extreme pain from oh being stabbed by a mystery person, This caused Ben to look at me with a concerned look on his face. I smiled softly at him trying not to cry but that didn't last long, He smiled softly back at me wiping my tears with the pad of his thumbs.

"I'm so happy you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you and our little one Mal" He said while trying not to let the tears fall. It was my turn to wipe his tears away with my thumbs, I hissed in pain trying to lean over so I gave up. I huffed in annoyance.

'Great now I'm stuck in bed while my stomach heals. I wonder if I can get away with doing light royal duties' I thought while trying to think of a plan to somehow tell Ben that I still want to do light duties but from our bed, not that he will agree with it but it's worth a shot, right?

"Ben?" I began but immediately shut up when I noticed he had fallen asleep with his head resting near my hand, I gently placed my hand on his head and began to play with his hair slightly, knowing he loves it when I play with his hair.

I heard a knock at the door and in walked my uh... our friends and I held a finger up to my lips and gestured down to Ben and they all nodded and froze when Ben shifted slightly

"We'll come back tomorrow M" Evie whispered making sure not to be too loud to wake Ben, I nodded tiredly suddenly feeling very tired. I shook Ben slightly and shifted over trying not to hurt myself even more than I already was.

"Ben? Honey can you please cuddle with me?" I said pouting slightly. He chuckled and slid into the hospital bed with me trying not to hurt me.

"You can't get enough of me, can you?" He said playfully, shifting so my head was on his chest, I hummed in agreement as I felt myself give in submit to the very temptation that is sleep.

"Goodnight my little dragon" He whispered softly thinking I was already asleep. I smiled softly and snuggled deeper into his chest if that was even possible, We both fell into a much needed deep sleep.

*A/N* I decided to make this chapter about Ben and Mal reacting to the news of nearly losing the baby.. I know you probably thought something bad was going to happen to Little Beast and i was thinking about it but decided not to.. Have any suggestions? Write it in a comment below or flick me a message! I'm open to new suggestions! :)

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