Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: Hello! yes I am still here, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while *cough* six months *cough* but I'm back! I'll do an update on what has been going on in a little bit. But right now I am exhausted so I am gonna go to bed.

Bye for now!


Previously on Happily Ever After?

"Mum? Dad? Can you please sit down for a minute? We have something we need to tell you" I said while I tried to muster up every bit of courage in my body.

"Let me guess.. You're pregnant aren't you?"


We both glanced at each other nervously. 'How do they know? Is it our body language? How can they possibly know!?'

Both of my parents looked at us and smiled fondly. 'How will they react? Will they be disappointed? Happy? Sad? Furious? What if they don't approve of this happening so soon after the incident?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a firm but gentle hug, I could tell just by the scent of the person.

My Father

"Son? Ben. Buddy? You need to calm down. you're shaking. I know you are scared to tell us. Believe me I was exactly the same way when I told your Grandfather and Grandmother, But you need to calm down okay? Remember your breathing exercises? Can you show me how you do them?" My father gently encouraged.

He was right.. I was shaking horribly.. I didn't notice until I felt Mal wipe away the tears that were continuously running down my cheeks with the soft pads of her thumbs, she stroked my cheeks gently. I could feel myself calm down quite a bit, enough to notice that I had stopped shaking. Looking into her eyes, I know everything will be okay just as long as she is by my side at all times. I took my hands and softly cupped her cheeks and planted a sweet, loving kiss on her lips.

"Good talk" she said when we finally pulled away from each other, I embraced her in a gentle hug and whispered a quiet thank you in her ear. As we pulled apart I could see my dad with an arm around my mum, smiling at our affection for each other. I could see it in their eyes that we reminded them of their younger years, Nothing has changed in the years that they have been married of course, If anything their love for eachother has only grown stronger.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my mum clearing her throat gently, I blinked quickly and saw that Mal had wrapped her hand in mine and was gently squeezing it to pull me out of my daydream.

My parents looked at the both of us expectantly.

'Here we go. There's no going back now'

"Im pregnant" Mal said quickly. I guess she wanted to take the band aid technique. Both my Mother and Father looked at us for a while, It was hard to make out what they were thinking. I started to feel a bit anxious but that feeling quickly went away when both of my parents embraced us with a giant bear hug.

We both sighed in relief when we were both released from our hug.

"How far along are you Mal?" My Mum asked curiously. I looked at Mal and I knew that she would feel embarrassed to answer, So naturally I answered for her.

"She's not too far along, We made an appointment with the doctor here in the castle to avoid any prying eyes. The doctor said she was two weeks along. So still early days"

I could see my parents quickly catch on to what I was saying and I think they know when 'It' happened. I could see the playful glint in their eyes as they quickly realised when it happened..

'Im not going to live this down am I? they are going to embarrass me and tease me for the rest of my life'

All I could do is bury my head in my hands as they playfully began to tease us.

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