Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: Thank you guys for the overwhelming response on the last chapter, I never thought you guys would want a sequel.. with that being said, I'm not sure how many chapters are left. I suppose I'll end it when feel like it's appropriate.. But I DO KNOW what I will do for the last one.. p.s I'm not gonna spoil it for you.

Love ya,

Previously on happily ever after?

Unaware of how much time has passed I shuffle towards the door while rubbing the sleep from my eyes, Not even caring about the mess my or our bedroom is in.

I open the door gently, as I do the person on the other side of the door says quickly

"She's awake

*Ben's Pov*

'Huh? Who's awake? Mal? Is Mal awake? OH MY GOD! SHE'S AWAKE!' I thought as I slammed the door shut in my mum's face.

'I'm going to pay for that later, No one likes an angry mother. Especially my mum..' I thought as I rushed into my bathroom to take a lightning quick shower. Five minutes had already past, Once I was out of the shower I thought I was going to slip on the wet tiles on the bathroom floor, Luckily for me I didn't. I quickly picked out a hopefully suitable outfit and literally threw it on faster than I have ever done in my life.

I scanned the room quickly picking up my phone, my keys for our room, my medicine and a few clothes for Mal and I, as well as stuff I think she would like to keep her occupied. 'Who knows how long she is going to be in there. Hopefully not too much longer' I thought as I finished putting her stuff into one of our emergency overnight bags.

After giving the room another quick scan I smile to myself, happy with the effort I put into packing with the time I was given. While taking a deep breath, I slowly opened the door to be met with my very annoyed mum. I look down at my feet not wanting to be scolded for slamming the door in her face.

I was a very naughty child.. I used to do slam doors a lot on accident..

But instead of being scolded, I got a very unexpected but loving hug. It was nice but I was completely caught off guard, gently popping the bag down, I gently wrapped my arms around my mum. Inhaling her sweet scent, I am reminded of the loving memories from my childhood.

"It's so good to have you back Ben" She says while cupping my cheeks with her soft hands. I smile down at her with a big grin on my face, tears threaten to spill down my face but I hold them back.

"But if you ever slam a door in my face again you will be grounded... You maybe king but family always comes first okay?" She scolds jokingly. I know better than to mistake her 'joking' knowing that she would absolutely ground me for eternity.

"I know. I'm sorry mama" I say hugging her gently again

"I know baby" She says hugging me back

"Now how about we go and see that beautiful fiancée of yours? No doubt she will be dying to see you.. She of course needs to know the news as well. We thought it would be a better idea for you to tell her, It might be soften the pain a bit." My mum suggested. I sighed in defeat.

I know Mal has to know but that doesnt make it easy on either of us, Hey it can't be worse than my reaction right?

'Am I going to regret this?'

Sorry that this chapter was a bit late... I honestly was not feeling too good yesterday so I just had a day to myself.. Thank you for understanding

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