Chapter Seven

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**No One's Pov:**

Once Ben and Mal walk out of the bathroom they immediately run into the guards and inform them they will be right back, they quickly walk up to their bedroom to go get the medicine. Once they do, they head back downstairs and tell the guards to inform the crowd that they will be out in a minute. For the second time that afternoon the trumpets blew and Ben and Mal walked out into the courtyard with the guards.

Almost immediately they were swarmed by the press wanting to know where they were, Luckily the guards were always one step ahead. They immediately surrounded Ben and Mal creating a barrier between the royal couple and the press.

Thank god fairy godmother stepped in because Mal heard some awful things about her and the baby, she put on a brave face but she grabbed Ben's hand and squeezed hard making him look at her in concern. She really needs to stop making him worried. At this point he's going to end up with grey hair by the time he's 30. "This is still a school, so if you're here, you're either skipping or trespassing." Fairy godmother said sternly much to the press's protest they scurried away after they realised Fairy godmother wasn't not going to back down anytime soon.

The guards hesitated to break the barrier but Ben said it was fine, After all it's the king... I mean who in their right mind would defy their king?

Once the guards broke Ben pulled Mal into a tight hug and asked if she was okay.

*Mal's Pov*

Once the guards had surrounded us, I felt a sea of emotions and I felt like I was drowning while trying to swim desperate to get back to solid ground, Ben pulled me into a tight hug and that's when I broke. Evie, Carlos and Jay have seen me cry a total of five times and that's when we were back on the isle but this baby has my emotions going haywire.

"Mal? Honey what's wrong? Did they hurt you?" Ben said while hugging me tighter. He sat me down on the platform and just held me and whispered sweet nothings in my ear trying to calm me down. It took me a while to completely calm down but even then, there were still tears slowly running down my cheeks.

"I shouldn't be crying! I never cry! Not even in front of our friends" I laughed being mad at myself

"Mal it's fine to cry! Everyone does, Baby Beast is just making himself at home" Ben smiled hugging me again

"Hey what makes you sure Baby Beast is a boy?" I asked while sniffling a little bit

"I just have a hunch. Now are you okay? Do you want to talk about what happened? Did the press say something to you?" Ben asked wiping my stray tears away with his thumbs

I sighed knowing he won't give this topic up so easily this time.

"They just said if I knew you were the father or not, Did I cheat on you and if you were still under my love spell. Stuff that normally wouldn't bother me if I wasn't pregnant with Baby Beast" I said sadly trying not to look Ben in the eyes because if I did, I knew I would crack and cry my eyes out again.

Ben was furious to say the least, He ordered the guards to find the reporters and bring them to his office after he got back, they immediately said they would be waiting in his office as soon as he got back. No way in hell they were going to treat his pregnant fiancée like this. 'Huh fiancée that has a nice ring to it'

"Now my lady shall we get going?" Ben asked me while standing up and stepping down off of the platform. What the royal couple didn't know is every one of their friends had heard and seen everything and they were pissed was an understatement.

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