Chapter Nine

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A/N: A rubbish bin is what us New Zealanders call a trash can. just in case you were wondering.. Also I know the trip to the barrier looks like it's short but in reality it's quite long.

You would think I was a china doll by the way Ben is treating me, it's really sweet and all but with my mood swings it's just becoming a little bit overbearing, not to mention the nausea... I took my medicine but it's not making it any better, it's coming in waves and I think everyone has noticed.

Everyone looks at me noticing my already pale face becoming paler and paler by the second, Ben shifts towards me holding a rubbish bin? I take it feeling overwhelmingly nauseous at this point. Oh god why did it have to be today of all days!? The trip to the isle was not exactly a long or short one, it takes around 15 minutes and that's just to get to the barrier. Looks can be deceiving right?

But honestly the trip was the last on my mind right now, feeling even more nauseous if that was possible, I was breathing heavily trying not to throw up but that all went out the window when the limo went over a little bump.

'Oh god too late!' I thought as I felt a wave of sick come up my throat, Ben was quick to open the windows as well as tell the group what to do.

"Evie grab some tissues. Carlos grab some water. Jay stop driving for a minute" Ben said while trying to comfort me by rubbing small circles on my back and whispering calming things into my ear and trying to get me to breathe with him

"Mal. Honey you need to breathe with me okay? In......and......out......In........and........out...... That's great keep doing that." Ben encouraged

I have no idea why it's called morning sickness when it happens all the time and every part of the day, It's confusing.. I let out a frustrated groan as the wave of nausea went away for now at least.

"Hey you're okay. Just keep taking deep breaths, I've got you okay? Did you bring any of your medicine with you?" Ben asked quietly whispering in my ear

I shook my head as I didn't trust my voice just yet. Ben handed me a bottle of water asking me if I wanted to wash my mouth out since it wouldn't be a great look for us to show up to the Isle with my breath stinking of vomit, I gratefully took it taking a swig at first to rinse my mouth out then taking small sips to see if it would stay down. Luckily the water did stay down after a few gags and close calls but I didn't feel as nauseous as before.

We sat in the same spot for another couple of minutes to make sure my stomach had settled down properly and to make sure we didn't have anymore incidents on the way to the Isle.

"I'm okay now. My stomach doesn't feel like it's doing flips on a trampoline anymore" I said hoarsely. I cringed at how rough my voice sounded, clearly Ben had seen my reaction my voice and chuckled quietly. He kissed my forehead and leaned down towards my belly and whispered "Hey Baby Beast stop playing tug of war in there you hear me? Don't be so hard on your mummy okay?" He rubbed my belly gently while Evie not so secretly took pictures of us while trying not to cry and squeal at our cuteness. 'Jeez anyone would think it was her that was pregnant'

I'm sure it wasn't that long but it felt like eternity for us to reach the Isle but as soon as we were beyond the barrier people surrounded the car, I'm not going to lie it freaked me out a bit just because of what happened earlier but after some consoling from Ben I'm able to cope with the crowd. At this point I should mention who the VK's are right? I think you are wondering who they are?

"Can I get a drum roll please!?" Evie called out to the crowd below us, as soon as she finished her sentence all you could hear is the stomping of feet.

"First I would like to begin with the Daughter of Mother Gothel... The lovely Holly!" Evie announced smiling down at Holly who had a genuinely surprised smile on her face. She is so sweet! How can someone so evil be her mother?

"Next is the son of Clayton. Come over here Avery!" Carlos smiled widely opening his arms as Avery ran into his arms.

"Now this person we had chosen all together because we all agreed that he could use a little bit of fairy godmother's goodness class... Give it up for Scar's son Hunter!" I said smiling widely

"Last but not least is the queen of heart's daughter... Daisy!" Jay said laughing as she ran up to him and gave him a big hug

"WHERE ARE WE GOING!?" We all hollered together.

"WE'RE GOING TO AURADON!" The kids and the crowd screamed back in reply.

On the outside it seemed like everything was perfect but deep in my stomach I feel like something was wrong but I can't explain it. I know I should probably speak up but I don't want to ruin everyone's moment. Am I just being paranoid?

Why do I feel so much anxiety?

Just as we were about to leave, I hear a scream and someone shout


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