Chapter Twenty

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I sheepishly walked towards my parents after walking through the crowded front doors of the hospital, Everyone looked towards me with tears streaming down their cheeks as they heard the swish of the doors opening and closing, I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dry eye in this reception area.

I kept my head down suddenly finding my feet very interesting, My parents walked towards me slowly not knowing what my reaction would be, I had a tendency to 'blow up' in emotional and stressful situations as if you couldn't tell already. As soon as they reach me they wrap me up in a big warm hug, I supposed it should make someone feel very uncomfortable to be surrounded by people but for me it's different, I feel very overwhelmed with emotions.

I turn towards my father and let myself sink into the hug, My mother lets me go and I wrap my arms around my father's middle like I did when I was little, Not wanting people to hear my sobs of pain and heartache I bury my head into his body. He gently sits down in the middle of the reception area with me in his arms not caring about the sad and teary eyes that watch over us carefully.

"Let it all out buddy, I'm here. I will always be here for you. Let it all go" He says while rubbing my back and whispering in my ear. He gently rocked back and forth while I shed my weight in tears. I curled my fists, taking his nice blue suit in my hands wrinkling it slightly. I kept my head buried close to his body taking in his warmth and comforting touch.

*Adam's Pov*

Ben doesn't know this but his parents know exactly how he and Mal feel, They tried and failed to carry their baby many, many times. Each time they did manage to conceive but the baby was never carried to full term, always ending in a miscarriage.

They never told Ben but they were scared to death of losing their baby, They both knew this was their final and only chance to create a family together. It seemed like the odds were in their favour when Belle gave birth to the one and only heir to the Auradonian throne.

Adam was pulled out of his own thoughts by a hand on his shoulder, he looked up to his tearful wife. He put one hand on top of hers, together they looked down at their son who was finally settled down and asleep but he was still sniffling quietly, they could see his tears slip gently down his cheeks Belle gently wiped her son's tears away.

Gently standing up with our son in my arms I gently placed him on the uncomfortable ground with a makeshift pillow under his head, It's hard to see your only child literally break down in your arms after he realises that his dreams of his family expanding are now crushed. Right?

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