Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: I have finally gotten around to typing this out. Granted it is 1:53am on Thursday oh and I have also fixed the internet on my computer so thats a plus! Just to let you guys know that this chapter has a bit of a warning on it.. (Don't worry I have put a warning for where it starts...) I'll try and write tomorrow.. Ciao! 

Ben's Pov:

'What!? They found her!? Oh my God! Oh my God!' I thought as I 'tried' to jump out of bed but me being my clumsy self my foot somehow got tangled up in the blankets and the next thing I knew I was face first on the floor.

I pushed the blankets off in a hurry and sprinted to the bathroom but not before looking back and seeing both of my parents trying not to cry from laughter, I roll my eyes and hop into the shower because let's face it, I literally look like death..

I shoo my parents out of the my uhh our room quickly, They were still trying to gain their composure but they were both failing dramatically. I pout and cross my arms while looking at them, that makes them burst into fits of laughter.

I roll my eyes and shut the door quickly. I showered faster than I have ever showered in my life and put on Mal's favourite cologne that she brought for me (strawberry scented of course), I put together an outfit that I think would be Evie approved, Deciding that I liked the look I threw on my beast boxers (that Mal will probably tease me about later on), A comfy but kind of formal dark denim like long sleeved top, Black jeans with a nice formal black leather belt, some random socks I found in my draw, some sleek looking black ankle high boots/shoes and my classic Isle style leather jacket that Evie made me a couple of years ago.

Realising that five minutes has already passed I practically threw myself out of our bedroom, once I got to the stairs I thought it would take too long to climb down the stairs so I place myself on the banister and slide all the way down to the bottom of the stairs. My parents looked at me funny since they always scolded me for doing it when I was growing up, I shrugged their looks off and opened up the heavy front doors to the courtyard only to be met with....

Mal's Pov:

I'm not going to lie.. I am in agony. I've never felt anything this painful in my entire life, not even on the isle and the pain there was horrific. It feels like there are a million fire ants stinging me all over my body. It's all worth it if the people close to my heart are safe, What would happen if they captured Ben instead of me? Who knows what they would have done to the King?

My body screamed in agony when I tried to stand but I felt my knees give out from underneath me, I grunted in pain from the shock of suddenly falling to the ground. I froze when I heard a pair of footsteps approach the door

'fuck fuck fuck! I need to hide' I thought as I tried to get up again but I just couldn't, I groaned in frustration. I tried to crawl away but the door opened suddenly and the person rushed in.


"Where the fuck do you think you're going bitch?" He snarls while grabbing my hair roughly, I try to grab his hands but he just grabs my hair roughly. I whimper in pain trying to imagine my happy place but that just makes me cry, wishing that I was safe in Ben's arms again. He pulls me to my feet only to throw me back to the ground.

"Please stop! I will do anything you want just please don't hurt me or my baby!" I say begging him to stop. He grins evilly and starts kicking me, punching me, and belittling me.

"You have everything I want you pathetic bitch! Where's your king now huh?" He barks between kicks

The pain is unbearable at this point.

"Please stop" I say weakly on the edge of passing out.

How would Ben feel if he saw me like this? He would probably turn into a beast and rip this guys into shreds. literally... How would Evie, Doug, Jay, Lonnie, Carlos and Jane feel if they saw me like this? They would probably help Ben as well'

I was semi-conscious at this point, I feel like my body is in the ocean and I'm drifting out to sea with no hope of reaching the shore. However something peaks my interest.. There were footsteps not just a couple either.. It sounded like hundreds of them approaching the dimly lit, awful smelling room

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