Chapter Thirty-Six

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**Mal's Pov**

I woke up with a horrible sick feeling in my stomach, The feeling grew too much as the minutes passed. I tried to lift the hand off my body but the figure just groaned and held onto me tighter, I tried to take deep breaths and tried to wake the figure.

"Ben? Ben?! Wake up! Let me g-" Too late.. I threw myself over the side of the bed, not being able hold it anymore. The feeling of vomit coming up my throat would not stop, saliva would not stop pooling in my mouth. It seemed like forever until I stopped being sick, Eventually I realised that Ben had woken up and was rubbing my back gently. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear while rubbing slow comforting circles on my back.

"You're okay. I've got you baby. C'mon let's get you cleaned up okay?" He said while scooping me up bridal style. Too tired to argue, My head rested against his chest while he carried me to the bathroom. He helped me clean myself up a bit and soon I looked as good as new, I muttered a soft sorry. This instantly caught his attention.

"Don't worry about it Mal. It's just carpet.. I will call someone up to clean it while we visit my parents. It's been a few hours since we came back so they will be wondering where we are." He said while he knelt down on the cold tiles of the bathroom. My eyes widen as he mentioned his parents.

'What will his parents think? Is it too soon for us to have another baby? Will they be happy or furious?'

So many thoughts were running through my head that I didn't notice the saliva pooling in my mouth until it was almost too late. In a flash, I threw myself over the toilet and let everything out. I groaned as I tried to take deep breaths in between the bouts of vomiting, It finally let up after a while. 

"I hate this." I said while wiping my mouth with the back of my mouth, I slowly stood up from my position in front of the toilet. I took deep breaths as I tried to walk forward but I ended up stumbling and almost falling over, Lucky for me Ben has very good reflexes and surged forward to catch me just as I began to fall.

"We need to get you to the doctor Mal. There's a hospital wing in the castle so we won't have to go far. C'mon. Let's go" Ben said firmly. I nodded and tried to walk forward but he quickly stopped me.

"Oh no.. You are not walking right now, You almost fell over mal. You are exhausted and dehydrated. We need to get some fluids into you" Ben said as he scooped me up and soon we made our way to the doctors.

**Time Skip** 

It took us a little bit to get down to the doctor only because I didn't want to walk too fast just in case Mal had a little accident, She assured me that she was fine but I could see it in her eyes that she was not feeling well at all. This baby was taking a toll on her body already. I knocked on the door to the doctors office politely, I heard an immediate rush of footsteps and the person behind the door had a look of surprise on her face.

"Your majesties! What a surprise! Please come in." The doctor explained while opening the door for us. After a couple of tests she eventually concluded that Mal was indeed pregnant and prescribed something for the nausea and vomiting, She also suggested that Mal take it easy for a few days, She also reassured me that the medication should kick in after an hour or so.

She eventually let us leave, As I helped Mal sit up on the uncomfortable hospital bed I noticed a few tears dripping down onto her lap, Wanting to comfort her I sat on the hospital bed gently. I really didn't want to upset her stomach even more than it already is.

"Mal? are you okay? You know I will always be here for you right? You can tell me anything and everything" I said while holding both of her hands and rubbing circles on her knuckles. I saw her take a deep breath and blurt out.

"What if your parents don't approve of us having a baby this soon after what happened? I mean they went through enough worrying about you and your panic attacks, Then me going missing? and the miscarriage? What if this is a bad ide-" I interrupted her rant with a deep passionate kiss to her lips, I could feel all of the stress and worry disappear from her body. She was right about the whole 'This is the only way to shut you up thing' As we pulled apart I could feel both of our worries fade away into oblivion.

"Good talk" She said while squeezing my hands gently, I chuckled and pulled her into a hug. After a while we decided that we better go see our parents and tell them the news so that they wouldn't get suspicious when Mal was sick, It wouldn't be good if one day Mal was too sick to even attend her meetings and such and they didn't know about her pregnancy.

We made our way up the giant staircase and towards the opposite side of the castle, As we reached my parent's study. We paused outside the door and both took a deep breath, As I knocked on the door softly I grasped Mal's hand in mine. I gently squeezed her hand and rubbed circles around her knuckles to help calm her nerves.

As the door opened I could see my mum stand up and rush over to Mal and giving her a big hug, Inside I was worried about Mal getting hurt but I pushed those thoughts into the back of my mind. As we stepped inside I was feeling extremely nervous about telling my parents, I'm sure Mal was feeling the same.

As the afternoon turned into night I thought it was finally time to tell them, I glanced over to Mal and she gave me a slight nod.

"Mum? Dad? Can you please sit down for a minute? We have something we need to tell you" I said while I tried to muster up every bit of courage in my body.

"Let me guess.. You're pregnant aren't you?"



Cliffhanger! How do Belle and Adam know that Mal is pregnant? What will they think of Mal knowing she's pregnant again? Will they be Happy? Scared? Anxious? Let me know in the comments!

The ball chapter is next!! Will it be a disaster? Who knows..

Im so sorry this chapter is late! Not gonna lie.. I tried to write this chapter yesterday but honestly? I was a bit down in the dumps yesterday.. I went to the job interview and I didn't get the job.. They said I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of the job even though I have worked in a supermarket for the last 5 years.. They wouldn't know pressure if it punched them in the face to be honest. 

sorry.. Rant over,


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