Chapter Fifteen

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'Where am I?' I thought as I tried to remember what happened, reality hit me like a brick to the face. I was sitting in my room after wishing all the girls a goodnight after we sat down went through Ben's baby books but we soon got tired of that, Somehow we got onto the topic of the wedding. Let's just say we pretty must have 90% of the wedding planned but it didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked.


"Girls I love you but you're stressing me out right now" I say rubbing my temples while everyone bickers about the details of the wedding, They look over to me and apologize profusely

"It's fine but can you please work together so we don't have any bad blood between any of us on my wedding day?" I say trying to calm my throbbing headache

They soon came to an agreement who did what. Evie and Doug would work on the outfits for the wedding, Jane would gather the decorating committee and decorate the wedding and the reception, Lonnie would help organise the cake and the music, Belle said she and Adam would help with organising the honeymoon and she said it was a surprise when I asked her where she had in mind. I huffed when I realised I wouldn't get any details out of her, Now I know where Ben gets it from.

About 3 hours later we were all exhausted and had pounding headaches so we decided to call it quits for the day, I eventually had something to eat and waited for Ben to come back after his meeting but I must have fallen asleep before he had finished.

*End of Flashback*

I tried to survey my surroundings but the room was pitch black. I tried to remember how I happened to get here but I just could not remember, I don't know if it is just my hormones but I felt something just switch and I was absolutely furious. I made as much noise as I could and sure enough someone came running down the hallway, I closed my eyes and tried to make sense of what direction they ran from but it was impossible to make it out..

Suddenly the door open and someone flicked on the light switch, I closed my eyes and opened them blinking quickly, They looked at me confused

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" He asked me. I scoffed while I stood up, I crossed my arms and asked him where I am

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Now hush and stop making noise or else" I rolled my eyes at his statement

"Or else what?" I sassed back.

"Or else you and your baby get it" As he said the word baby he held up a knife, I felt my face instantly pale. He grinned wickedly when he saw my face, He walked backwards out of the room still holding the knife to me.

 I paced around the room trying to figure out a plan to get out of here when I remember Ben always made me carry around a little mini panic button that was the size of a fifty cent piece inside my pocket at all times even if we were inside the castle.

'Thank god that he is so paranoid!' I swear I could have whooped and hollered in joy but I didn't want that psycho coming back.

I pressed it three times when a faint shuffling of footsteps caught my attention.

*Adam's Pov (You didn't see that one coming did you?)*

"What do you mean she's missing!?" I yelled at the guards. I was fuming how can the guards lose a person!?

"We don't know your majesty she was in her room and two guards were outside of her door after Queen Belle and her friends left" The guard said trying for calm me down unfortunately for him it was not working.

"Do you know how important it is that she is found? Do you!? Do you know how devastated my son and YOUR KING will be if his fiancée is not found!" I roared at the guard. He looked like he was going to pass out any second. No one wants a former beast roaring at them.

I was just about to rip him a new one when another guard burst into the room..

'Now I know why Ben hates it when the guards do it'  I thought as a guard was fumbling over to my desk trying to get the words out.

"Out with it already!" I spat still angry at the guards

"We have found her your majesty and you are not going to believe where she is!"

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