Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Grab your tissues!! This chapter gets a little cute but also shows the softer side of both Adam and Ben Beast. I legit teared up a little writing the scene between the two..

"Dad you know I can't just sit here when my fiancée and the mother of my baby is missing"

"Ben. We have the guards on the way to her location now, She set off a panic button.. we know exactly where she is" My father said softly

'I'm so glad I make her carry around a panic button everywhere she goes' I thought as I relax slightly, I look over at my dad for a moment to ask him something but he has a look of worry on his face.

"Dad? Are you okay? Is there something you're not telling me?" I said getting worked up slightly

"Ben while you were sleeping the doctor came in and diagnosed you with anxiety"

I looked down ashamed to let myself get this far, tears slipped out of my eyes.

"Oh buddy come here" My dad said softly wrapping me up in one of his famous bear hugs. I whimper softly trying not to break down

"Just let it out buddy. It's okay... I've got you" He said rubbing my back softly

That's all it took for the flood gates to open. I've been trying to stay strong for both the kingdom and for Mal but it's not working, I've been stressed, tired, and hardly eating. She's only been missing for one day for god sake!

I know what you're thinking... what am I still doing sitting in this hospital bed? Well let's just say don't mess with mama beast when her only baby passes out from stress..

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my stomach feeling like it's doing continuous flips on a damn trampoline, I try and bolt out of bed but I somehow get tangled in the blankets and bed sheets. I groan trying to breathe through the nausea but it just keeps getting worse! I start to panic while trying to kick off the blankets but in the end I give up and just sit on the floor pathetically. I attempt to curl up into a ball and cry but apparently my dad has other plans...

"Come here buddy" he says picking me up gently. We climb into bed even though the sheets and blankets are on the floor, he places me in his lap and rubs my back and tries to comfort and soothe me, At this point I am a blubbering mess and I try and curl up into a ball in his lap. He runs his hands through my hair gently, I hum in appreciation and slowly stop sniffling as time goes on.

*No one's Pov*

As the afternoon soon turns to darkness Belle is wondering where her husband had wondered off to. She soon approaches Ben's 'hospital bed' (really it's the size of his bed in his and mal's bedroom) and stops for a moment to hear the loud snores of both her boys through the thick door, she slowly opens the door to see a precious sight. Both of her boys fast asleep in the huge bed.. Belle tried not to smile as she took a picture which may or may not be used for blackmail later on... she walked up to their sleeping bodies and quickly covered them in the blankets that had fallen on the floor, She kissed her husband on the lips gently smiling when he hummed quietly. She walked over to her baby boy's side of the bed and frowned when she saw his puffy face and dried tears on his cheeks.

They need to find Mal ASAP

Just as she walked out of the room and got to the former Queen and King's bedroom she ran into a very flustered Lumière. He quickly bowed and said in a very excited tone

Your majesty! We've found Lady Mal! The guards on their way back with her as we speak, I must warn you though they say she is not in the best shape"

'I swear to god if they have hurt my daughter and my grandchild they will be the next ones to end up in a fucking hospital bed! Better yet they will be in the damn ground.' Belle thought as she rushed back into Ben and Mal's bedroom. She burst through the door which caused both of the boys to wake up suddenly. They looked at her groggily while rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

"They're on their way back with Mal! Hurry up! You've got ten minutes to get ready and to meet me and fairy godmother in the courtyard!" Belle said excitedly with tears running down her cheeks in happiness.

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