Chapter Five

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**No one's pov: **

As Ben and Mal walked through the courtyard they were immediately accompanied by eight guards, four for each of them.

The guards have been made aware of their situation and have been sworn to secrecy. Adam and Belle had made the guards sign a contract making sure they would not be able to talk to the press about the royal couple's secret. Not that they would anyway... No one really likes the press at the moment, not after what happened.

As soon as they stepped out into the beautiful courtyard everyone cheered for them, not just Ben but for Mal as well.

'They love her' Ben thought as they walked slowly around the hedge in the courtyard

Mal walked alongside Ben and shook people's hands and said Hello to as many people as she could. Soon they were escorted to a platform. Why? Mal had no idea.

After being lost in thought for a couple of minutes, Mal was shaken out of her daydream by Fairy godmother handing Ben the microphone.

Ben's pov:

I stepped away from Mal for a second but I still kept an eye on her, watching her out of the corner of my eye. Call me creepy all you want but she's pregnant and there's a lot of press out here...

"Thank you, fairy godmother" I smile warmly as she handed me the microphone.

"Hello Auradon! Thank you so much for being here today to welcome the next group of VK's! They will be here shortly!"

Mal cheered happily along with the crowd. I smiled at her, she looks so happy.

"It worked out pretty well for the first four don't you think?" I say as I turn to look at Mal. I can see the love she has for this kingdom, for me and our little one in her eyes.

I grab her hand with one of mine and look into her eyes, she smiles lovingly at me. I smile back at her, it feels like it's only us in that courtyard and everyone else is invisible.

"Mal this is the exact same spot we met not too long ago, I feel like I've known you my whole life. You mean everything to me, I wouldn't know what I would have done with myself if I had never met you." I say looking in her eyes I can see the tears welling up, I gently wipe them away with my thumb as the tears fell from her eyes.

"Did I mention I'm in love with you?" I say as I take a step back.

As I step back a familiar yet soft strum provided by Doug begins to play. All of our friends and my parents gathered around him and softly started singing along with the tune. She laughed softly as she recognized the familiar tune.

🎶 I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked 🎶 I sang as I gently twirled her around the stage.

🎶and now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop. I never thought it could happen to a guy like me🎶 I sang as the tears began to flow out of her eyes again, I wipe them away with my thumb again smiling like an idiot.

🎶but now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knee🎶 Just as I sang the last word I got down on my knee as she looked away. As I handed Carlos the mic, she met my gaze again. Her hands covered her mouth in shock, we could both hear audible gasps and awhs from the crowd but truthfully, I don't care. It's just us at this moment.

"Mal. From the first time I met you I knew it was love at first sight, I know it's cheesy but it's true. I love how you make me smile and laugh even in the toughest situations, I love how you can light up a room as soon as you walk in. I love how serious you can be but also how fun you can be at the same time. Mal... Will you make me the happiest father and man in the world? Mal will you marry me? Will you be my queen?" I say as tears fall from my eyes

"YES!" She says with tears streaming down her face. As soon as she said it EVERYONE burst into cheers happy for the royal couple. As I rise to my feet I can't think straight, my hands are shaking with excitement and joy as I slip the ring onto her finger. I gently pull her towards me and dip her a little bit, making sure to hold her tightly so she doesn't fall and kiss her deeply and passionately. Our kiss is full of love.

Lots and lots of love and happiness. We both chuckle as we both look at our friends celebrating. We even saw Carlos chest bump my Dad!, I place my hand on Mals belly feeling a slight bump.


I look at her again and she nods as if to say yes, it's fine to tell everyone our surprise. I smile widely and kiss her again thanking her.

I got down off the platform and asked Carlos for the mic again, he gave it back to me with a look of confusion on his face.

As soon as I got back up on the platform with Mal safely by my side everyone hushed immediately. Oh boy... No going back now. "Everyone! I'm sorry to interrupt your celebrations but we have another announcement to celebrate on this beautiful afternoon" I say looking at everyone. I can see the curiosity on their faces wanting to know what the announcement is.

Mal's Pov:

Just before Ben and I were going to announce our surprise I saw a figure in a white cloak standing near the forest. 'Who is that' I thought as anxiety flooded my entire body. I let out a small gasp, only one that Ben and I could hear. I squeezed Ben's hand tightly, He looked at me with a smile but I could see it in his eyes that he was worried because I was squeezing his hand tighter than normal. I blinked a few times trying to get that figure out of my mind, Just as I came back to reality, I hear the cheers of happiness and disbelief.

Ben's Pov:

I heard Mal gasp as if she saw something she didn't want to see. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. I looked over at her and smiled but inside I was filled with anxiety and fear, what if they don't accept there will be another heir? What will we do if something happens to Mal and the baby?

I was shaken out of my daydream by hundreds of people looking at me expecting an announcement, I cleared my throat and began my speech.

"As you all know I am the only heir to the throne since I am the only child of my mother and father and I'm pretty sure you know who they are" I chuckle slightly relaxing

"It's only right to carry on the beautiful history and traditions yeah?" People clapped more excitedly catching on to what I was saying.

"So, to our surprise and overwhelming joy both Lady Mal and I announce there will be a new heir to the throne! Mal is expecting our first child in roughly 8 months! I announced to the whole kingdom.

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