Update!! Please read

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 A/N: Hey there! I promised I would give you guys an explanation on my six month 'hiatus' the last time I posted I told you guys that I had a new job, I'm doing exactly what I did at my other job but it's just in a new place. The good thing is that my old boss is at the new place so it's awesome so far, I have so many new opportunities now than I did in my old workplace. My co-workers are awesome and I can actually joke and have fun at work now! I no longer have to be like I'm in trouble all the time and not be walking on eggshells! My work schedule is pretty chaotic at the moment. 

I work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday normally but in a week or so for the next month I am working Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday.

Once again my upload schedule will be messed up but I will try to make it work for you guys...

Thanks for coming to my ted talk,


P.S Im soooo sorry for keeping you guys on the edges of you seat for six months with that cliff hanger.. oops

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