Chapter Twelve

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It's been two weeks since I've gotten out of the hospital and to say I am bored is beyond what I'm feeling right now, I know I shouldn't complain but no one will let me do anything! I'm not allowed to get out of bed for crying out loud! I'm fine... They're just being overprotective right? I groan as I feel my stomach do a familiar flip, I jump out of bed but as soon as I do, I hear the door swing open. I ignore the person who just walked in because throwing my guts up is way important according to Baby Beast, I hear the person quickly follow me into the bathroom...

"Is the medicine not working for you Mal?" The mystery person asked while pulling my hair back into a low ponytail. I shook my head as to say no, not trusting my voice just in case my stomach decides to betray me in the middle of my sentence. I look over my shoulder briefly noticing it was Adam rubbing my back, He looked at me with a worried look on his face. After I had finished, I shuffled back to sit on the floor of our bathroom with Adam's help of course, I thanked him for helping me.

"Of course, sweetheart. Belle has just gone to get you some water and something light to eat, you have got to keep up your strength after all. Are you okay to stand up and walk over to the bed?" Adam asked kindly

"I think so" I try to stand up but ultimately fail, I huff in annoyance while Adam chuckles and picks me up carefully carrying me to Ben and I's bed, He places me down so my feet are hanging off the bed and he sits down beside me.

"It hasn't been easy on you has it? Especially with Ben away for most of the day." Adam says while gently pulling me into a bear hug while I sniffled quietly partly from not feeling good and from the hormones.

We talked for a little while, Adam was telling me stories about Ben when he was growing up when Belle walked into the room, seeing we were in the middle of the conversation she didn't interrupt but Adam roped her into telling me some of Ben's most embarrassing childhood memories which I will definitely keep for some blackmail later on down the road..

"Here honey. I've got you some water and some crackers so you don't have to have anything heavy in your stomach" Belle said placing a tray down beside me.

"Thank you, Belle you too Adam. For everything you've done for both Ben and I especially in these last couple of weeks" I said trying not to cry. Damn these hormones! I swear I have shed my weight in tears the last eight weeks

"Mal how many times have I told you? Just call us Mum and Dad..." Belle scolded playfully while pulling me into a hug so I was in a group hug with both Adam and Belle... oh sorry I should say Mum and Dad.

I smiled finally feeling like I was in safe hands with my new family.

'Is this what it feels like to have a family and to be loved?' I thought as I snuggled further into the group hug if that was possible. We all pulled away and I noticed we all had tears in our eyes, We laughed and wiped away the happy tears that eventually fell from our eyes.

"I think you two need some long overdue girl time hmm? I'll leave you alone. I'll see you later" Adam said kissing both of us on the head as he walked away gently closing the door

"How about I go and get some of Ben's Baby books and you call the girls? we'll have a girl's afternoon? you must be feeling lonely without any company" Belle said already getting up from the bed.

"That would be amazing Belle. Thank you so much" I said getting my phone that was sat next to my pillow and texting the girls.

*Two Hours Later*

"And here Ben is running around the castle completely naked after just getting out of the bath" Belle said showing us a picture of Adam and Lumière chasing what seems to be a five-year-old Ben down the hallway. We laughed and giggled at more of Ben's pictures until a certain someone popped their head in. We all scrambled to hide all the Baby books before the person noticed.

Too late...

"Hey girls... wait are those my baby books!? Mum!!!"

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