Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ok so this is going to be a bit of an emotional one so just grab the tissues and cry your little hearts out okay? Feel free to play the song above anytime during the chapter, I was looking for a really emotional song and personally I just love this song.

Also a MASSIVE shoutout to Lexibrainard kaznorman1972 Uma_The_SeaWitch For the advice you guys gave me, It actually helped so much! So thank you guys from the bottom of my heart ❤💜💙💚💛🧡

Love you,

Previously on Happily Ever After?

He quickly picked up the pace but as he got closer to room 304 the sounds got louder and louder.

He rushed towards the the door and opened it quietly, what he saw broke his heart.

"Oh honey come here"

*Adam's Pov*

"Oh honey, come here" I said with a sad smile on my face, Walking quickly towards the suprisingly big hospital bed my wife and my once quiet, reserved daughter-in-law were sitting on the bed with tears continuously flowing down their cheeks.

Wrapping the sweet fragile girl in one of my 'famous' bear hugs, letting her cry into my shirt I feel her small body tremble with every painful sob that leaves her body.

I looked at my beautiful wife and asked her quietly if she could go and get Ben, no doubt he would be worried sick about Mal and I imagine they would be missing eachother like crazy. I know I would be if I were in their shoes right now.

Belle quickly got up from the bed and giving our daughter a kiss ontop of her head softly then walking out of the room with her phone in her hand.

*Belle's Pov*

Part of me does not want to go get Ben but I know I have to for all of us, He hasn't been the happiest person to be around this past week but who blames him? It kills Adam and I to see him like this, I'm sure their friends miss the happier side of Ben as well.

I guess I was so deep in thought that I didnt even realise I was back at the Castle, I take a deep breath before pushing the heavy double doors open. Heading up the insanely long, exhausting stairs up to Ben's bedroom, I gently knock the door, after a minute I hear a soft shuffle of footsteps coming towards the door. I'm not at all suprised by the state that my son was in.

"She's awake"

*Ben's Pov*

After my dad dropped me off back at the castle he told me to get some sleep but how could I? I swear he knows me better than I know myself, knowing I would probably stress myself out even more with the pacing that I often do It runs in the family unfortunately.

He urged me to take my anxiety meds after having a quick shower, taking my hands into his gently, He rubbed some ointment on my red, swollen knuckles before grabbing the first aid kit and wrapping them gently, careful not go hurt them even more. I look at him sadly.

"I'm so sorry dad" I say quietly, my voice like a child being scolded after doing something they're not supposed to do.

"For what son?" My dad says as he lifts my chin up gently, His eyes meeting mine.

"For all the stress I've caused you and Mum, I'm really, really sorry, I know I must have caused to so much fear and anger. I didn't mean it dad" I say looking down at my wrapped knuckles.

"Hey, Don't you ever apologize for being human okay? It's okay to make mistakes, It will all be fine in the end. People are not perfect, They always think they are but in the end it is our mistakes and our flaws that make us human. So don't apologize for being who you are, That is why your friends love you. You're not like the other 'royals'. You are kind, caring and passionate about others. Don't stop being you okay?" He says while holding my cheeks in both of his hands softly, gently wiping the tears that roll down both of our faces, smiles a mile wide.

"Now c'mon I think it's about time for you to get some sleep hmm?" He says while tucking me into bed, gently lying next to me while playing with my hair softly. Humming in content I slowly drift off to sleep.

The next thing I know there is a gently but firm knock at my door. Unaware of how much time has passed I shuffle towards the door while rubbing the sleep from my eyes, Not even caring about the mess my or I should say our bedroom is in.

I open the door gently, as I do the person on the other side of the door says quickly

"She's awake"

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