Chapter Thirty

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A/N: I've got some good things planned for the next couple of chapters, Im not sure if they're going to be the last chapters of the book or not. We'll see what happens.. 

Some of the things in this chapter did not happen in the movies. So just keep this in mind when reading this chapter.

Previously on Happily Ever After?

"Pitch Black has returned and this time I don't think he will stop until he has got what he wants"


**Ben's Pov**

"What do you mean pitch black has returned? He hasn't been seen since the villains terrorized the kingdom" Adam said in disbelief.

"I was taking a walk to clear my head last night and he appeared out of nowhere and tried to lunge at me, he said that he wants revenge for what the previous King and Queen did to him" I said while looking at my parents. They both looked at each other with a mixed of confusion and worry.

'Why is that emotion the only one that everyone is feeling? I'm sick of everyone being so worried'

 "He also threatened the lives of Mal and our bab-" I began but stopped myself immediately. I looked over to Mal and let a small tear run down my cheek. She smiled tearfully and quickly wiped a tear away with the pad of her thumb, smiling softly at her gave me a new sense of confidence.

"He also threatened our lives as well" I said with a touch of worry in my voice. Everyone that was gathered around the table looked around the table at each other when a particular person spoke up.

"What do we do? The kingdom cannot know about this, Whatever we do cannot be leaked out to the kingdom. They haven't seen that fear since the Maleficent terrorized these lands" Queen Leah explained.

"No offence intended dear, We know you are not like your mother anymore. We know that you are not evil like her anymore. Whatever you and King Ben decided the royal council will support your decision no matter what it is" Queen Leah said smiling softly while bowing her head in respect.

"Thank you Queen Leah, you have no idea how much yours and council's support means to Mal and I as well as the Royal family. The question in play is how do we stop Pitch Black from terrorizing the kingdom? It sounded like he has something personal against the former King and Queen of Auradon"

"I have something I need to tell everyone" My dad suddenly speaks up.

**Time skip**

"So that's why Pitch has something against you and Mum? He was a deranged ruler who ruled his kingdom with fear? His 'subjects' didn't like him but feared him. He was the ruler until you and Mum became King and Queen of Auradon and banished the villains to The Isle of the Lost? How could anyone do that? A kingdom deserves respect and dignity not fear and ruthlessness" I stated, I glanced around the table and saw that everyone was nodding in agreement.

"So how do you stop a ruthless, selfish, deranged killer?" Mal saying while looking at me concerned.

"Why don't we host a ball?" My mother suggests. The council looks at her in confusion. They probably think she's crazy. Who would want to host a ball at this time?

My mother rolls her eyes at the council

"It's not a real ball. It will seem like a real ball but in reality it will be a trap, It will lure Pitch Black in so we can lock him up once and for all. It will show him that we are not afraid of him and will not let him rule this kingdom with fear" My mother explained with great detail.

"Mal and I can meet him in the rose garden where I first encountered him, we will have all the guards on duty and waiting for him to show up in the rose garden. But we need to set a day for the ball and make sure it spreads like a wildfire" My dad says looking towards the council.

"But what if the people ask about the occasion? We can't just host a ball without someone suspecting it's a trap" I said while trying to come up with an excuse.

"Mal.. I hate to say this but I think we have to pretend that you are still having a baby. I know its gonna be hard and I'll be there by your side the whole way. I'm so sorry I brought this up.. It's a horrible idea I'm so sor-" I rambled on while turning to her, She shuts me up with a loving kiss to my lips.

'This will never get old.. I swear' 

"You really need to stop rambling. Half the time me kissing you is the only to shut you up. Not that I'm complaining" Mal joked, causing an eruption of laughter from everyone in the room.

I pouted slightly, causing everyone to laugh even more.

"Ah young love" My dad whispered to my mum, That caused her to gently elbow my dad in his side.

"Ow.. What was that for?" He pouted, turning towards my mum. "Leave them alone Adam. You and I were like that when we were young. Leave them be" My mum scolded.

"So it's settled. We spread the word that there will be a ball In celebration of the new heir to the throne. Ben and Mal will be in the Rose garden and then thats when the royal guard will place Pitch Black under arrest. Got it?" My Father said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"What about celebrating our engagement? I think it will be too sensitive for both of us when everyone comes up to us to congratulate us on the baby" I said while grabbing Mal's hand gently.

"I think that is a very wise decision Ben" my dad said, patting me on the back. 

"When will the ball take place?" Rapunzel said amongst the chatter.

"How about three weeks time?" Mal spoke up. Everyone turned to her and nodded their heads in agreement. That gives everyone plenty of time to plan our attack. I'm sure it will work out fine. Right?

"So it's settled! In three weeks time the ball will take place"

How wrong could things go?

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