Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a few days.. I've had a busy few days with going back to work and having a slight writer's block. I tried to write but I didn't want to force anything y'know? Thanks for the support guys! Love ya ❤

*Belle's Pov*

I rushed over to Ben with my phone in hand not caring that I was over-reacting, This is happening way too often and I think I know what the root cause is. He hasn't been himself lately, He has been stressing himself out way too much and it's time both Ben and Mal take some time out and relax a little bit. I mean they're going to parents for goodness sake and they only just got engaged, The kingdom expect too much for these two. My thoughts were interrupted by two paramedics.

They only took a minute to secure Ben on a stretcher and rush him to the nurses station here in the castle, There was no way the public was going to know about Ben collapsing and they certainly will not hear about Mal going missing. I sprint down to the nurses station and sit by his bed waiting for him to wake up when the doctor and told me what was wrong with my son.

"Your majesty may we talk outside in the hall?" The Doctor said worriedly 

'That seems like that is the only mood right now' I thought as I followed the doctor out of Ben's room.

"Your majesty I believe you know what the root cause of this is, I'm afraid that stress of recent events has caused King Ben to develop a severe case of anxiety, I've prescribed a medication that should help calm his anxiety down but it will not cure it completely. It's going to be a hard road ahead but with great people and a good atmosphere he should be able to cope with his anxiety better than he has." The doctor said softly to the former queen.

*Ben's Pov*

It feels like a nightmare, a nightmare that I can never wake up from. The last thing I remember is the guards rushing in to say that Mal is missing...

I'm being jolted awake by my own thoughts, I look around the room very confused. I glance over to the other side of my room and see all of our friends and my parents sprawled out across the floor and the furniture.

I see my mum sitting down with her head resting on my bed with her hand resting under her head. I reach down and gently place my hand on hers, she stirs slightly then relaxes.

I feel so tired.. maybe I should go back to sleep for a couple hours.

I wonder if they found Mal yet?

Great now I can't sleep! I've got to find my little dragon.. I thought as I try and think of a plan to get out of this damn room.

"I know what you're thinking and don't you dare try it mister" A voice said


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