Chapter Ten

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A/N: There's a little hint somewhere in the video above to who the villain is... Enjoy

Previously of Happily ever after?

On the outside it seemed like everything was perfect but deep in my stomach I feel like something was wrong but I can't explain it. I know I should probably speak up but I don't want to ruin everyone's moment. Am I just being paranoid?

'Why do I feel so much anxiety?'

Just as we were about to leave, I hear a scream and someone shout


'What the hell is happening? Where am I?' I thought as I tried to remember what happened, the last thing I remember is feeling so much anxiety and someone scream as we were about to leave the Isle with the VK's.

*?'s Pov*

'How could she survive that!? She was supposed to die! Oh well plan B it is then' I thought as I trudged back to his cold damp house. I don't know how she survived that. Oh boy he is going to be furious when he finds out she's still alive, how am I going to tell him?

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS STILL ALIVE!? YOU HAD ONE JOB" he boomed, I winced at the volume of his voice as I tried to dodge items that he threw at me. Luckily, he doesn't have a very good aim

"I don't know how she survived it! I did as you asked" I yelled at him. He looked at me as if I had two heads, I gulped known I was going to be in deep trouble if I don't back down now.

He stalked away to his lair to plan out yet another attack. Next time WILL work even if he has to do it himself

*Ben's Pov*

'Shit. Shit. Shit' That's all I could think as I saw Mal fall to the ground, I ran up to her putting her head in my lap and my hand on her forehead. She doesn't have a temperature but that doesn't mean anything. Then I didn't even think about the baby...

My face paled at the thought of losing our little one... oh god what if we have lost our baby? I could feel myself start to panic at the thought, I didn't even realise Jay had placed Mal gently on the seats in the limo. I felt an attack coming on as I thought of losing Mal and our baby. 'What if she doesn't make it? What if our baby doesn't make it? How will I cope without her? I don't think I can be king without her?'

"Ben? Ben!" Someone said as they shook me out of my panicked state. I didn't even realise I had been shaking violently as I thought about my future without Mal or our baby.

"Ben! Come on stay with me, you need to breathe for me buddy" Another person said while shaking me out of my thoughts, my chest was unbearably tight and pounding so fast that I thought it was going to burst.

"C'mon buddy you need to breathe with me okay? Everything is going to be fine yeah?" The person who I just realised was Carlos

"Try and copy my breaths okay? In......and......out......In........and........out......" Carlos demonstrated

I tried to copy him but I just couldn't get my breathing even, I'm starting to feel really light headed at this point and I think Carlos started to notice that he was holding me up more and more as the minutes went past, He seems to notice that my breathing was not improving and told Jay to drive faster.

"Jay! Ben's not breathing properly! Can you drive faster? Now!" Carlos said trying not to panic for his sake and for Ben's sake.

"Ben... Look at me okay? Focus on me. Look you need to breathe for me okay? Can you count for me? 1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10 Good job! that's really good Ben" He praises while rubbing small circles on my back.

'I'm usually the one to do that to Mal' I thought as I look over to her, she's still passed out cold though.

'Oh god not again' My breathing picks up again but I force myself to count to 10, I replay the good memories of us while closing my eyes and trying to focus on my surroundings.

It felt like eternity when we reached the hospital, it was chaos as the nurses rushed to help both Mal and I, Of course Mal's injuries were a lot worse than mine... I just experienced an anxiety attack because I can't bare to see the future without Mal and Baby Beast in it.

**The Next Day**

*Mal's Pov*

The scent of disinfectant filled my nose causing me scrunch up my nose, as I opened my eyes the piercing bright light caused me to groan quietly and I immediately shut my eyes again. I try to open my eyes again this time I blink quickly to avoid the glaring white light.

I look around the room and it's surprisingly spacious *A/N: Imagine Audrey's room in Descendants 3* I see all of my friends, Ben as well as his Parents or I should say our parents... I lift my hand to place it on his head to play with his hair. He shoots up suddenly scaring the shit out of me, He jumps up from his place and kisses me suddenly as if to make sure it wasn't a dream, I gladly kiss him back smiling into the kiss. What we both realise everyone woke up when Ben jumped up suddenly...

"Easy there lover boy" Jay piped up causing us to jump apart, Evie smacked him telling him to hush quietly. "I'll go get the doctor" Adam said walking out the door but not before kissing me on the head in a fatherly way. We talked quietly while we waited for the doctor to come into to check up on me, They told me how I was stabbed and how Ben had an anxiety attack on the way back while I was passed out cold, I hugged him tightly and whispered to him that he will never lose me even when I'm gravely injured. He tried to not cry but I could see right through him. He let out one single tear but I reached over to wipe the tear away with my thumb, He took my hand and held it while we continued our chat.

As we talked and laughed for another few minutes the doctor walked in with Adam in tow

"Ahh Lady Mal it's good to see you awake and talking. How are you feeling?" The doctor questioned

"I feel a bit of pain in my stomach and on the back of my head as well..." I said quietly but making sure the doctor heard me, I felt Ben squeeze my hand as hospitals make me feel uncomfortable because I'm still not used to them.

My face paled as I think about Baby Beast

"Is my baby okay? What happened to my baby?" I said panicking slightly, Ben rubbed his hand up my arm trying to calm me down

"May everyone step outside to the waiting room for me please." The doctor said firmly

"Or would you like them to be in here with you Lady Mal?" the Doctor asked immediately after making sure I had a say in the matter

"Just Ben and his parents please" I whispered trying not to cry and panic at the same time.

The doctor ushered everyone out of the room and told them they could come back in shortly, they nodded knowing we need our space and they didn't want to make me uncomfortable.

The wait was killing all of us especially Ben and I, the doctor had a worried look on her face and I don't like it one bit

"Mal I'm afraid that your baby is......."

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