Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Previously on Happily Ever After?

"Your majesty? You should come and look at this" The captain said with urgency in his voice. Now I'm curious about what they found.

When I peaked my head in the door it took all of my strength not to scream.. As I turn to the captain it seemed like he was thinking the exact same thing as I was.

Who the hell did this?


The sight in front of me was enough to make my blood boil.

Everything around our room was destroyed. Every single item in sight was completely ruined. Who would do something like this? Luckily I kept all of my classified documents inside a safe at all times unless Mal and I were in the room, My parents also have access to the safe but they wouldn't invade our privacy like this or destroy our room. They don't have a bad bone in their bodies. 

After I survey the damage and write down what the costs of the damages are and hand it over to Captain, I turn to the guards and demand them to find out who was involved. "Find out who did this. I will not have my family feel like prisoners in their own home. Get it done and I want them under arrest as soon as possible" I said firmly. 

"Yes Your Majesty" They all said in perfect unison. They disappeared down the long hall as if they were never here, After they had left there was the matter of involving the council, informing my parents of the incident and the clean up.

I feel very overwhelmed with everything suddenly.

I sit down in the middle of the room and clutch a picture of three important people in my life, careful not to cut myself on the broken glass, I run my fingers over the picture. As the memories run through my head I feel the tears running down my cheeks, Carefully I rummaged through the broken glass and pieces of paper, wracking my brain trying to find any clues to who has done this.

I was left in my thoughts for a few minutes until I heard a pair of footsteps and talking outside of our room, I quickly wipe away my tears as the voices get closer and closer to Mall and I's room.

"Ben? What happened in here? Are you okay? Was anyone hurt? Why is Mal outside on the couch?" My mum asked while trying to process what is in front of her. My dad walked in not a minute later with Mal scooped up in his arms, while looking at the bed we decided it was not safe for either of us to stay in our room for the time being.

Not until this person was caught and was secured in the dungeon.

We all agreed that it would be best for Mal to not be told about the intruder and the destruction of our room. I know I am probably going to regret it but right now it's for her and baby beast's protection.

"You two can stay in the guest bedroom on our side of the castle. That way if another attack happens you will not be harmed, we will also increase the personal protection for you, mal and baby beast. It is our priority that neither of you guys are harmed" My mum said sternly. I could see it on her face that she was terrified of something happening again..

Hell I was too!

After a while we eventually gathered up a few clothes and personal items and locked the room all ready for the investigator to come and do their job. Hopefully that will not take too long, I mean I love my parents with all of my heart but Mal and I need our own space to be our own little family right now.

As we walk down the long hallway we decide that we need to tell the council as soon as possible. Letting Mal rest in the guest bedroom was the best thing for her right now, I know for a fact she will be upset with me for deciding this for her but I'm just trying to protect her and our baby.

I guess the over protective dad thing is kicking already huh?

A/N: Hey there! So I felt like this was a good way to end the chapter. Keep an eye on the next chapter because the Ball chapter is coming up VERY soon.. Maybe even next chapter?? Who knows? *wink wink* Thank you so much for sticking with me through my many unexpected breaks hehe!

see ya later alligator,

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