Chapter Twenty-Five

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Previously on Happily ever after?

"ENOUGH!! Guards! get these scum out of here and out of this kingdom! They are to NEVER work in this kingdom EVER again!" My father roared. He has had enough of the press ruining his family's life.

"Issue each reporter with a restraining order, If they do not comply with the order or you see them in the kingdom.. Lock them up. If you do not follow these orders you will be dismissed from the royal guard, You will also be filed a restraining order. There will be no exceptions." My father said firmly.


Adam's Pov:

As soon as I saw those damn reporters surround the limo I felt something deep inside me snap, It's something about people trying to hurt my family that brings the worst out of me.. Hell it would bring the worst out of anyone.

I charged outside like a bull in a china shop, I walked up to the captain of the guards. He was the one who brought Mal into the hospital, We all owe him a great debt.

"Guards! get this scum out of here and out of this kingdom! They are to NEVER work in this kingdom EVER again!" I roared. Everyone looked at me in shock, Even the guards. It didn't surprise me whatsoever, Since I transformed back into a human I vowed to Belle that I would never ever raise my voice at another person. Sure I lost my temper but I never roared at anyone like I have just now.

 I was pulled out of my daydream by the captain of the guards ordering his men to get the reporters off of the hospital grounds and out of the kingdom, One by one, The reporters received a restraining order that said that they will not to step a foot into this kingdom whatever the circumstances were. They were not going to harass the royal family anymore.

"If you see any of these people I give you full authority to throw them in a prison cell. However they MUST be treated humanely.. They are harassing my family but they must receive humane treatment. Got it?" I said to the captain.

"Yes your majesty. I will make sure my men are on guard around the clock, We will make sure you and your family are never harmed in any way ever again" The captain said firmly. He said it with a face so cold even Olaf would freeze.

I chuckled at the thought of Olaf being frozen.. 'How ironic'  

"Good. Now get it done" I said while dismissing the captain.

After making sure all of the reporters were out of my sight, I turned my attention back to my beautiful wife Belle and my handsome son Ben. I walked up to the car door and opened it with a gentle pull. Sitting inside the car was my amazing wife trying to soothe our son who was on the brink of a panic attack. I growled quietly, cursing the reporters and calling them every name under the sun. I asked Belle quietly to scoot over so I could calm Ben down, She obviously obliged since her techniques that she had used in the past weren't working this time.

"Hey buddy, It's me. Can you look at me?" I ask whispering in his ear while rubbing circles on his back, He glances at me slightly turning his head. 

"Hey bud. They're all gone, they're not going to hurt you or mal again okay? I need you to breathe for me okay? you need to get your breathing under control. Remember what the doctor said? in through your nose and out with your mouth okay? I said trying to demonstrate what the doctor told us.

"In through your nose and out through your mouth" I say as I continue to rub circles on his back gently.

"Good. Keep doing that okay? Did you take your meds?" I asked him while looking over to my wife, She shook her head to say no. 

"Buddy you're going to have to make sure you take them okay? otherwise these attacks will become worse and more frequent." I said sadly.

No one's Pov:

After the young king had calmed his anxiety down, He felt exhausted both mentally and physically but he needed to see his future wife and his queen, Both Adam and Belle knew that they couldn't keep their son from seeing his Fiancée. Part of them wanted to protect him from the heartbreak and extreme pain that they were both about to experience, Deep down they all knew it was time for healing. In order for that to happen they need to experience it first-hand. 

The former King and Queen had unfortunately experienced it all too often in their lives, They tried to conceive many times and eventually they fell pregnant. Everyone was ecstatic for the King and Queen but unfortunately they miscarried each time they managed to conceive. They never told Ben this, They didn't have the heart to tell him. 

Maybe this was the time to tell him?

Okay so I felt like this was an appropriate way to end the chapter. I know you guys hate cliffhangers so.. The next chapter will be an extremely sad one. So grab your tissues and prepare yourselves.
Not going to lie.. I've been trying to put it off for as long as I can.. but I can't any longer.

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