Chapter Eight

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*A/N:* I'm really sorry this chapter is so short. It was just a filler chapter to be honest. I'm going to try and write a longer chapter tonight but im not sure if i will be able to get it up tomorrow because i won't be at home all afternoon. Thanks for understanding guys 

Everyone in the kingdom kept celebrating except for our friends and my parents oh and fairy godmother of course because they had seen and heard what the reporters were saying. 'How did they hear over all of the celebrations?'

I took a hold of Ben's hand and he helped me step down from the platform, I ran straight into Evie and gave her a giant hug. She asked me if I was okay and all I could blurt out is "Did you know!?" I say giddily still in disbelief knowing it was quite hard for Evie to keep secret from me.

"Everything! But are you okay? Did they hurt you M? Also why didn't you tell me about your baby!? Can I plan your wedding?" She fires the questions at me.

"I think you're going to have to fight Belle over that last one. I think she has called dibs since we came here, knowing her I think her and Adam had a little bet on to see how long it would be before Ben proposed."

"And to answer the rest of your questions Yes I'm okay, No the guards protected us but they did say some horrible things to me about Baby Beast and how they think I cheated on Ben and how he's still under my love spell" I say looking down at my feet and trying not to cry again. I take a deep breath and Evie takes me into her arms.

"Mal everyone knows Ben can't live without you, you are both smitten with each other, plus did you see the look on his face when Fairy god-mother chased them away? He looked like he was ready to kill them on the spot!" Evie snickered playfully

I walk over to Adam and Belle both give them a gigantic hug and they of course congratulate me and Ben on our engagement and Baby Beast even though they found out the exact time we did.

"We always knew you were going to be the one for Ben, even though we were shocked when he introduced us to you for the first time, we knew from that moment at his coronation you were the perfect match for him. We just wanted to say welcome to the chaos that is the Beast family Mal" both Belle and Adam wrapped me in a big hug when I began to cry again out of happiness of course. Fairy god-mother wrapped me up in a hug when Adam and Belle released me from the or I should say our family hug.

"I'm so happy for you both!" Fairy godmother said wrapping both of us in a hug when Ben came back over to me after celebrating with the guys of our group.

He held me close but before we knew it the limo was here for us to travel to the Isle.

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