Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: Thank you so much to those who commented on my last A/N seriously it means the world that you guys are actually enjoying this book. To think this started off a little fanfic that I was working on while on holiday last year in Rarotonga is crazy! We are up to chapter Twenty-One that's insane for me! I usually lose passion for my books but it's you guys that have kept it going for this long.

Anyway! I'm rambling so enjoy!!

Love you,
Jarkzey :D

It had been a couple of hours since Ben had returned to the hospital and fallen asleep on the floor, He had since woken up but his parents told him to go home and get some sleep. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week and he had been dragged through a blackberry bush backwards.

He was very stubborn however and refused at first but that's what you get when his father is a beast.. luckily he has a heart like his mother and soon agreed when his parents reasoned with him that they would call as soon as Mal woke up.

Making sure he actually got home Adam went home with him to make sure he got there safe and that he got to sleep peacefully, knowing him he would be up and pacing for hours on end, which runs in the family unfortunately. While Adam was gone Belle took the chance to get up and stretch her legs, taking a look around the reception area she noticed everyone was asleep.

*Belle's Pov*

I walk up to the reception desk quietly trying to not make much noise.

"Excuse me? Can you please tell me what room Lady Mal is in?" I ask kindly, The receptionist looks up with a kind smile and quickly looks at her computer.

"Room 304 Your Majesty but I'm not sure if you would like to see her, by the looks of it she seems to be it a pretty bad way" The receptionist said quickly and politely

"Thank you kindly but I think I'll be able to handle it from here" I said quietly, still being polite of course, The receptionist nodded and went back to her computer.

I quietly walk down the hall trying to remember Mal's room number 'Room 304, Room 304' I whisper to myself as I pass room 300, room 301, room 302, room 303 and then finally I approached room 304. I take a deep but quiet breath while holding onto the door handle gently, As I open the door I hear a few quiet whimpers from inside the bright white sterile room.

Walking in I rushed to my future daughter-in-law's side gently, shaking her shoulder I tried to wake her gently but firmly, her eyes swiftly opened and she looked around the room in a panic as if she was expecting to be somewhere else. I saw her relax at first but soon that changed, Tears began to drip down her face gradually and it looked like they are not going to stop anytime soon.

*Mal's Pov*

I feel someone shaking my shoulder gently but firmly, thinking I was still in that horrible place I bolt upright, ready for a fight I feel my eyes open like lightning hitting the ground, looking around the room in a panic I saw Belle looking at me with a worried look in her eyes, That's when I noticed I am in a hospital. I'm safe. I. Am. Safe. I repeated to myself quietly.

Trying not to cry in front of my future mother-in-law, I tried to subtly wipe away my tears but Belle has an amazing way of knowing when you just need a hug, Sinking into the hug all of my emotions can't take it anymore.

*No one's pov*

Sniffles could be heard from outside the hospital room.

The former king walked back into the hospital without a hitch, He soon realised that his wife was not present in the reception area, As he wondered where his wife wondered off to, The receptionist answered his question. "She's in room 304 your majesty" The receptionist said not looking up from her computer.

Adam looked at her confused wondering how in the world she knew what he was thinking, Trying to get the thought out of his head he started quickly walking down the hallway towards Mal's room, He stopped for a second as his incredible sense of hearing picked up a faint whimpering and crying sound. He quickly picked up the pace but as he got closer to room 304 the sounds got louder and louder.

He rushed towards the door and opened it quietly, what he saw broke his heart

"Oh honey come here"

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