Chapter Thirty-Five

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It was a short walk back to the boat, Of course now Ben won't let me carry my own suitcase even though I was perfectly capable. He said that I was carrying something even more fragile than a suitcase, This man is the definition of cheesy. Before we left our beach house, Ben called someone who he could trust with all his heart. 

He said that we were on our back back to Auradon and to have the car ready. The phone call only took a couple of minutes. When we got to the boat Ben insisted that I shouldn't do any heavy lifting. Me being my stubborn self, I refused to listen and grabbed my suitcase and placed it into the back of the boat.

"Mal.. I know you want to do stuff by yourself but you don't have to. I'll be here by your side every step of the way, Just let me take care of the heavy stuff okay? I just want you and the baby to be safe at all times" Ben said while helping me into the boat. I nodded reluctantly and sat down in the passengers seat of the boat. The journey to the car took a little longer than I would have liked, I guess Ben decided to drive slow just in case my stomach was going to play up. Luckily It didn't. That would have been bad if the captain of the guards saw that, He would have been suspicious.

'Finally!' I thought as we made it back to where we had parted ways with the car two weeks ago. Standing in his uniform with a slight smile on his face was the captain of the guards, I have never seen him smile before. It was a odd sight for me but not for Ben, 'I supposed he's used to it since he grew up around palace guards' I was still getting used to not doing everything for myself, It's odd when you grew up caring for others, you didn't really care if you got hurt but you cared deeply when others got hurt on your watch.

'Is that what Ben is feeling right now?' 

I was pulled out of my daydream by Ben clearing his throat gently, I gazed up  to see him looking down at me with his hand outstretched to help me out of the boat. I took his hand gratefully while I slowly stood up and stepped out of the boat and onto the dock, He smiled softly and wrapped his arm around my shoulder while we walked along the dock and onto solid ground. We walked up the sand to the car, right behind the captain. He set our bags in the boot of the car and opened the door for us to take a seat in the car.

"I will get one of the guards to come and collect the boat your majesties" He said while closing the door for us, We both put on our seatbelts and then when were on our way back to the castle.

**Time Skip** 

We were half through our journey back to the castle when I felt my stomach do a flip, I groaned softly which caused Ben to look at me worriedly. I try to muster up a smile of reassurance but that went out the window faster than you can say 'Auradon'. I gagged and put my hand over my mouth as the car went over a pothole, I looked at Ben with sheer panic on my face.

"Arthur? Can you please pull over? This is urgent" Ben said with an urgency in his voice. Without hesitation the car came to a gentle stop, Not a moment later I threw myself out of the car and bent down on my knees, promptly throwing everything up. All I could focus on is my heartbeat in my eardrums, I couldn't hear the words of encouragement that Ben whispered in my ear while rubbing slow circles around my back. After a few more bouts of vomiting I was absolutely exhausted, I tried to catch my breath as I sat back and leaned into him. After staying like that for a while he picked me up and placed me in the car gently. Once he got in himself, he gently guided my head to rest down on his lap. As soon as my head hit his lap I was out like a light.

**No one's Pov**

As soon as they were back on the road Arthur looked up into the rearview mirror to look at the young king. He smiled softly and went back to driving slowly, He didn't want a repeat of the events that had just took place.

"Can you keep a secret Arthur?" Ben said while looking up at Arthur while running his hand through Mal's hair. Arthur looked at the King puzzled but immediately changed his expression.

"Of course your Majesty. It's a part of my job description after all" He chuckled softly, eyes still on the road. Ben rolled his eyes playfully. The royal family owed Arthur a great debt, After all he was the one who brought Mal back to him before it was too late.   

"I'm absolutely terrified of Mal being pregnant again. I'm terrified of what is going to happen, I don't want her to go through the same thing again. Seeing her in that much pain and heartache broke me" Ben said quietly while looking down at his sleeping Fiancée. The captain could definitely understand where the King was coming from. He would never admit it but when he rescued the future queen he was terrified. The young King was like his own child. The Former King and Queen were often busy so the Captain would help look after the young boy alongside the 'servants'. 

They kept chatting quietly up until the car came to a stop just outside the entrance of the castle. The captain stepped out and quickly opened the door for the young couple, Ben briefly woke Mal up to rise her from slumber but she quickly fell back asleep in his arms. He decided that he would just carry her up to their room, The captain grabbed their suitcases and they made their way back up to Ben and Mal's room. Ben thanked the Captain of the guards and dismissed him after he had got Mal tucked in and both of their suitcases unpacked.

He was exhausted.

'Maybe a lie down will help'  That was his last thought as he drifted off to sleep next to his beautiful fiancée. 



Hello! I'm sorry this is a pretty boring chapter compared to the others. It's honestly just a filler chapter. I promise things will get interesting in the next chapter. 

I have a job interview tomorrow so wish me luck!!

See ya later alligator!


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