Chapter Thirty-Eight

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A/N: The Ball chapter is coming up in the next couple of chapters. I think this book is close to the end.. Do you guys still want a sequel? Because I already have a plot line in mind if you want one.

*Time skip*

"You guys are acting like children, It's not like you two are so innocent now are you?" I said as my parents still tease us. I look over at Mal and she is just sitting there looking like she wants to laugh, cry and die from embarrassment all at the same time. My parents just look at us and burst into fits of laughter.

"Oh c'mon son! We are just trying to lighten the mood. We aren't trying to be mean, It's amazing news" My dad said as he quickly wiped away the tears of laughter. I cross my arms and huff in annoyance at his childish behavior.

Eventually I could see Mal drifting in and out of sleep, Deciding that was our cue to leave, I give both of my parents a loving hug and scoop Mal up into my arms so that her head was resting against my chest. I let out a sigh of relief when she lets out a quiet snore, As I walk to the door my mother opened the door for Mal and I. I smiled gratefully and whispered a quiet thank you to both of my parents, They smile and tell us to both get some rest.

Walking slowly to our room, I try not to move too much as to not wake or upset Mal's stomach anymore than necessary. As I approach our door I notice something rather peculiar.. That's strange.. I don't recall leaving our door open.

I was trying to think. Did I leave the door open? If I did anyone could have snuck in. Maybe the 'maids' were doing their rounds and forgot to close it? My thoughts were interrupted by a huge crash from inside the room..

What the hell!?

I silently thank my parents for placing all of these little couches everywhere in this place, My arms were starting to ache from carrying Mal up the huge stairs They will forever haunt me. I place Mal down on the couch as gently as I can and reach for my phone, Calling the person who I trust the most with my family's life.

The captain of the guards

Within a matter of thirty seconds or so there were footsteps thundering down the long corridor towards me. The look they had on all of their faces were menacing, It was a scary but relieving sight.

It took them all of five minutes to enter and clear our bedroom, that's the thing with the Royal Guards.. They are extremely thorough. I suppose they have to be.

"Your Majesty? You might want to come and look at this." The captain said, poking his out into the corridor.

Within the five minutes it took for the guards to clear the room Mal had woken up and was currently wiping the sleep out of her eyes and yawning slightly. Clearly she is exhausted.

As I was rubbing her back softly I was trying to explain what is happening. She nodded her head but I'm sure all she wants to do it curl up into a ball and sleep for a year.

A nap sounds heavenly right now

"Your majesty? You should come and look at this" The captain said with urgency in his voice. Now I'm curious about what they found.

When I peaked my head in the door it took all of my strength not to scream.. As I turn to the captain it seemed like he was thinking the exact same thing as I was.

Who the hell did this?


What do you think happened to Ben and Mal's room? Who do you think is behind it?

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