Chapter Nineteen

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This one is going to be an emotional roller coaster so I suggest grabbing your tissues and try not to kill me by the end... I'm sorry but I think it needed to happen for the story to progress further. Enjoy this chapter.

No one's Pov:

The Royal Auradon Guards approached a what seemed to be a cave. From the outside it looked small but when they quietly walked through the entrance they realised that it was a lot bigger than they assumed it was, They decided to split up into three groups of six. Yeah.. There were a lot of them.. The Captain of the guards motioned to the first group to go left, the second group to go right and his group to go straight ahead.

After a long frustrating ten minutes they all met up at a cross roads, Thinking it was to throw them off the captain decided they should go straight, after walking for a few minutes they came across a room with the door closed but there was a faint light seeping through the gap underneath the door.

They slowly drew their swords not wanting to make any more sound than they thought was necessary, With a swift but forceful kick to the door they rushed in like bulls in a china shop, They scanned the room and were about to leave when they heard a small quiet whimper in the dark corner of the room.

They raised their swords and walked quietly towards the figure when they realise it's their future Queen of Auradon. The captain swore and sheathed his sword quickly running towards the younger girl, He immediately barked commands to this fellow guards and they did what he asked instantly. He bends down and checks over the young girl carefully, he eyes a lot of bruises and cuts along with an alarming amount of blood that has stained her clothes.

After checking her over and watching as well as feeling for a pulse the Captain of the guards determined that she was still alive but her pulse was gravely low. The captain carefully carried the young girl out of the gigantic cave. He gently placed her into one of the many armored cars awaiting them just outside of the entrance.

Lumière's Pov:

Just as I was getting ready to announce that the Royal Auradon Guards were on the way back to the castle I got a phone call from the Captain of the guards. I frowned, He doesn't usually call unless something went terribly wrong.

"Hello? Captain? Is everything alright?" I said into the phone. My voice was laced with worry.

"Tell the King we're on our way to the hospital" The Captain said calmly, It was chilling to hear how calm his voice was.

Ben's Pov:

I was just about to pull the heavy double doors to the courtyard open when a very concerned Lumière approached Me and my parents, He bowed quickly and I waved at him to stop and he immediately obeyed. I eyed him suspiciously knowing Lumière he was not the one for breaking traditions.

"Lumière what's going on? Why are you looking at me like you're afraid to tell me what is going on?" I ask clenching my fists slightly

"My apologies Your Majesty. That was the Captain of the guards. He has just informed me that they are heading straight to the hospital." Lumière said looking down at his feet.

However I did not give him the chance of even finishing his sentence, Like a bat out of hell I raced to the limo with my parents sprinting behind me, We commanded the driver to head straight for the Hospital.

I instantly knew something was wrong, Mal HATES hospitals. She has never gotten the proper healthcare that any regular person should receive, They freak her out so much that she ends up sobbing and/or having a panic attack. Once we got to the hospital the driver didn't even get the chance to completely stop the limo before I jumped out and sprinted to the front door and into the reception area, I heard my parents shouting at me to wait for them. 

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