Chapter Three

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**Mals Pov: **

When I woke up I felt a little better but not by much, I took in my surroundings and I was shocked by what I saw... Ben was lying on the floor passed out like a light, His parents and fairy godmother as well as the royal doctor hovering over him trying to wake him up.

"What happened to Ben?" I say out loud. As I do four heads snap back to me and they all sigh in relief.

"We've been trying to wake him up for a while but we just can't wake him up" Fairy godmother says with a bit of worry in her voice.

"Why don't I try? True loves kiss works for everything right?"

I shakily make my way to Ben when Belle notices I was having a little trouble staying steady, she offered her arm to keep me balanced. I smile thanking her kindly.

I kneel down towards Ben and passionately kiss him on the lips, I feel him kiss back. That's when I know this will be all okay.

****Time skip****

***One Hour Later***

"Adam and Belle Beast the former King and Queen have just made an announcement on the behalf of Your Majesty King Ben and Lady Mal saying that VK Day will be postponed until a later date, we have no further information at this time, we will update if there are any further developments." The Royal Auradon Press reporter stated.

***Meanwhile in the Royal Palace***

Ben, Belle and Adam Beast and Fairy Godmother all sat around Ben and Mal's chamber talking to the royal doctor about Mal's 'condition'.

"Make sure you take these pills every morning otherwise you will be like this for the rest of your first trimester" The Royal Doctor said firmly looking at Mal.

Ben and Mal nodded reassuringly.

"Good. Here are some pamphlets and information regarding pregnancy and what to look out for, how to deal with the stress, and just all the necessary information for first time parents" The doctor said softly making sure not to stress the royal couple out even more.

"I will see you in two weeks for your first scan, unless something happens. Good luck Your Majesty and Lady Mal" The royal doctor says and she turns to walk out the door.

As soon as the doctor left Ben was still worried but not about Mal this time, well he still was worried about her, but he was worried about the opinions of the kingdom

"Dad? Mum? What do we do? How do we tell the people?" Ben asked nervously

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