Chapter Four

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**Two Weeks Later**

'Oh boy....'

That's all I can say.

As soon as my parents announced that VK day was postponed the press had a field day. From Mal was pregnant *cough* *cough* to Mal was evil again, literally anything and everything was said about her, I just wish they would stop.

We have even had to step up the security around the palace, a few nights ago someone tried to break into our room! Our room for fairy godmother's sake! I'm so glad that my parents are paranoid, They TRIED to open the window but instead they got an ear full of a blaring alarm. Guards swarmed our room in minutes, Well so much for not stressing Mal out. Speaking of Mal... I should go check up on her, I guess.

I looked everywhere for her but I eventually found her out on the balcony with a pair of binoculars in her hands scanning the walls and water around the castle, I snuck up behind her quietly. She shrieked in surprise then relaxed when she realised it was me.

"Not a camera or reporter in sight." She said placing the binoculars down on the ledge.

"I'm sure we would know if they were up to something babe. Plus, you have got enough to worry about" I smile as my hand drifts down to her belly. She lays her hand on top of mine. She leans into me, I happily wrap my arms around her, rubbing her back soothingly.

"We will be okay right?" Mal asks me in a quiet voice.

'Where is this coming from?'

"Of course, we will Mal. You and I and of course our little one will be fine. We may have not planned for this but every challenge has its obstacles. Try not to worry about it, everything will work out eventually" I say as I try and soothe her worries.

"Now breathe. Let's go! Everyone is waiting for us."

"Wait what? Who is waiting for us?" Mal asks me in confusion.

"It's VK day remember?" Ben says matter of factly

"What!? I don't remember that! I-I didn't prepare a speech! I didn't organize anything! What do I do? What if I make a fool out of myself? Or you? Or your parents? What if I throw up? What if I pass out?" Mal says while pacing up and down the balcony.

I grab her hands gently pulling her close to me.

"Hey hey Shhh. It's going to be okay, try to take deep breaths and calm down okay? You know the doctor said to try and not stress out. It could harm the baby." I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"Wait. So, you have everything under control? Are you sure?" She says pulling away from me

"Yes. Mum and Dad helped me organize every single thing, Fairy godmother, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Doug and Jane also helped out a lot as well. And no don't worry I didn't tell them about our secret" I saw the worry on her face when I mentioned our five friends.

"About that.... Do you want to tell people soon?" She asks quietly

"How about today? Before we head to the Isle?" I ask hopefully

'I hope she says yes'

"What about the press? And the kingdom? What if they react badly? What if something goes wrong?"

"Mal. Breathe. We are getting more guards, they're on their way as we speak, now come on. They're waiting for us" I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to me as we walk towards the door.

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