Friends Next Door

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Ivan is such a tease

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Ivan is such a tease. His dark eyes are staring deeply at me; from my hairline and my face to my boobs, and I find it amusing, so I stare back at him. He is doing this to make me cower under his arms. Here, his mild cologne smells more therapeutic. I want a taste of that. I fail to keep my eyes on him and my body sways slowly, adjusting myself.

"You're scared," he whispers.

"No, I'm not." I purr.

Ivan smirks and he comes a little closer. I feel his warm breath on my lips. He knows that the moment he kisses me, I will give in to him. I am trying to be indifferent. Trying to make him know I'm not easy to crack, but who am I kidding? I am scared a moan will escape my lips once he slowly kisses me. I do not want another person to see my weak side.

The line on this throat goes up and rests down. Ivan blinks at me and I stay still, crouching at his next move. I want to push him off, but I'm enjoying this. No one has looked at me the way Ivan is looking at me. I wish to know what he's thinking.

Does he want me? Is this the part where he begs for my love?

I wish I could take off his hoodie so I could feel his skin on my body. Hesitant, I hold his hoodie and he grabs my hand. His eyes flare up and he looks at where my hand is.

Sternly, he says, "don't...ever." He looks at me with stone-cold eyes and I try to pull off my hand, but he doesn't let go.

"Sorry," I grumble.

Ivan gets off me and I take in a deep breath. This escalated too quickly. I sit up on the bed and watch him put on the cap of his hoodie, on his head. What is he hiding beneath that? I did see something like a spot of ink on his neckline the day before. Is he really a hood gangster? He has his back facing me and I see him taking in deep breaths.

"I should..."

"Yeah," he answers sharply. I get off the bed and take slow steps to where he stands. I stand behind him, needing to hold him. I reach my hand towards him and I put it down. "You should go; I'll come for you when I'm ready." He says, without looking at me. I nod my head and walk out of the room. He walks to the door and closes it with a bang. I shudder at the loud sound and walk back to my room. I open the door and step inside.

"Where the hell have you been?" Myra questions and sits up on the bed. "I thought you were kidnapped. I nearly called the cops."

"Can you put on some music? My spirit needs it."

"Hell yeah!" She connects her phone to the Bluetooth speaker and puts on her usual Afro-pop songs. I sit on my bed and palm my face. "Where have you been?"

I take my hands off and answer, "Ivan..."

"Did he kidnap you?! That motherfucker! I'm calling the cops!"

"No, Myra. I was with him, willingly."

She looks at me anxioiusly "Why?" She asks.

"I don't know." I sigh. "I really don't know," I mutter. She pauses her song and looks at me. "I guess I thought we could be... friends?"

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