Different Vibes

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"Kara Martin," he calls out my name and I blink

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"Kara Martin," he calls out my name and I blink. "Your drunk face is kind of sexy," I laugh and he takes my hand. His hand isn't cold like it used to be.

"Your hands are not cold today," I state.

"Yeah, I guess." He looks around and looks at me. "Hey," he takes his hand off, still looking at me. "We should be hanging out more often," he smiles at me.

"Yeah, that would be cool." I smile. "You want to hang around now?"

"No, I have to get going. Maybe some other time."

"Okay." He takes a step back and waves at me. "Take care, Ivan," he laughs and waves one more time at me.

"You too, Kara." I watch him walk away and I take in deep breaths. Myra comes out of the house laughing out loud. Damn, she's drunk. Tucker follows her, making sure she doesn't fall off. She drunkenly sings on top of her voice. Tucker leads her to his car and he stands there looking at me.

"You coming?" He asks and I walk towards him. I try to sit in the backseat and he asks, "I make you uncomfortable, huh?" I don't respond and sit in the front seat. He sighs and sits in the car. Myra is lying in the backseat, eyes closed and she is still singing. Tucker looks at how Myra is behaving in the backseat. "I'm so tempted to take a video of her and send it to Wes."

"She will be so mad at you if you do that. She will never talk to you."

Tucker snickers. "I know. It'll be fun seeing her so mad." He starts the drive and I sit quietly. "Kara," he calls. He glances at me and sighs, slamming his face with his left hand. "I... really like you."

"Why can't we just be friends?" I implore.

"I don't think I can." He answers. "Go on three dates with me."


"Just three dates Kara. I'll stop telling you how I feel after three dates. If you still don't feel anything for me, then we'll stay friends." This is tempting. "What do you say?"

"Yeah... that's fine." I lowly say. He smiles at me and speeds off.

Tucker drives to the hostel and he helps me get drunk Myra out of the car. She's more drunk than I am. Slowly we help Myra, holding her hands and hoping she doesn't fall off. She's so heavy on my arms and she's deeply asleep. This stupid girl just wants to inflict pain on us. Tucker sees I'm struggling to hold her, so he carries her in his arms and I gasp. I hide my smile, watching him take the stairs with her in his arms. I hurry to get the door open before he gets there. I reach for the key in my bag and run to the door.

I unlock the door and push it open. Tucker walks into the room with her and he asks me which bed is Myra's. How come Ivan was able to know which one my bed is? I point to Myra's bed and he puts her on it. I take off her shoes and cover her with the duvet. "Sorry about that." I apologize.

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