Black Tonight?

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I don't know what it takes to be a full-time lover boy when I have a bit of a Mafia Lord's blood running through my system

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I don't know what it takes to be a full-time lover boy when I have a bit of a Mafia Lord's blood running through my system. But, in my opinion, I think I've been doing a good job so far.

My google search did not help me much, so here I am, holding a bouquet of red roses in front of my girlfriend's apartment. I call her phone for the third time and she doesn't answer. Thinking she might be in the bathroom, I wait for a while and knock on the door again.

"Kara," I call. Is she still sleeping? Her lazy ass probably is. I wait for a while, getting to ten minutes and there's still been no answer on the door. She hasn't answered her phone either, which makes me panic. "Kara," I knock again. I dial Myra's number, thinking she'd be with her. Myra answers the call. "Hey, is Kara with you?"

"No, didn't you guys leave together?"

"Yes, we did, but I left her here last night. She's not answering my call and she's not opening the door."

"Did she fall deeply asleep again? I'm coming over. I have an extra key with me."

"Please hurry," I end the call and call Kara's phone again while knocking on the door. I am trying to stay positive until Myra gets here.

Myra gets here minutes later and she rushes to open the door. We both walk in and there's no sign of Kara. I put the bouquet on the couch. Things here are just the same as I left them last night. I walk to her bed and her phone is on it. I pick up the phone and Myra looks at me with an ashen face.

"It's unlike her to leave her phone behind," Myra says.

"I know." I sigh. "Where the fuck did she go this time?" I cuss and look around. I go to the bathroom and she isn't there either. The bathroom hasn't been used. She would've at least taken her bath before leaving the house. I check her closet and her clothes are still in there. Myra calls her friends, asking if they've seen Kara, while I look around.

"None of them has heard from her. Is she with your brother again?"

"She wouldn't do that. Not after all the bullshit we've had to go through." I answer and slam my face. "Myra, please call me when you hear from her. I have to check on Sean."

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