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I stand back and watch a different side of Ivan as he pounces on Finn

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I stand back and watch a different side of Ivan as he pounces on Finn. The weak punches from Finn are no match for Ivan. Ivan pins Finn's face on the whiteboard and I hear Finn groan.

"Tell your fucking boyfriend to let go of me!" Finn yells at me and Ivan jabs at him again. He groans. I don't even feel bad for him.

"How does it feel being powerless, huh?" Ivan questions him and Finn just keeps grunting. "Can't talk?"

"Let... me... go. You don't know who you're messing with." Finn threatens and Ivan laughs.

"We're in the same boat then, motherfucker." Ivan says to him and I stand here battling my eyelids. Ivan whispers something to him and Finn stays quiet. He turns Finn to me and I see him cower before me.

I have no idea what Ivan said to him, but Finn kneels in front of me, which surprises me so much. "I'm... sorry," he pleads and I look at Ivan. What did Ivan say to him? The Finn I know would never apologize no matter how wrong he is. He looks at Ivan and Ivan glares at him. "I'm sorry for... forcing my way with you."

"It's... fine."

"It's fine?" Ivan glares at me. I don't know what to say. I did not expect any of this to unfold in front of me. "Kara he..."

"Can we just go?" I ask him and he looks at me like I am out of my mind. "Please? Someone might walk in." I beg Ivan to let us leave. This whole situation is making me uncomfortable.

Ivan comes towards me, holds my hand and drags me out of the classroom. I can tell he's angry. He's gritting his teeth, grabbing my hand as he walks ahead to the parking lot. Ivan walks to his car, opens the door and lets me in. He closes the door and walks to the driver's side to sit down. I hide my shaking hands under my handbag and look down.

He punches the steering wheel and I clench my hands. "What the fuck was that?" He questions. I shake my head, not knowing what to say to him. "Kara, this is why people take advantage of you! That motherfucker looked down on you and you let it happen! He fucking touched you again and you tell me it's fine? You still love him, huh?"

I am in no mood whatsoever to answer Ivan's question. He takes my hand away from the bag and holds onto it. He breathes out air and ruffles his hair.

"Look at me," I shake my head and he rubs on my palm. "Kara, look at me." The sudden calmness in his voice urges my tears to fall out. Ivan sighs. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," he pleads. This is not because he yelled at me. He was right that I let this happen. "But seriously, that motherfucker needs to be taught a lesson. He has no fucking right to talk to you like that after he abused you. The next time this happens, do not stop me and do not look at him like you still love him. It pissed the fuck out of me."

"I am stupid, right?"

"For him, yeah, but you're not stupid." He says and I chuckle at how he says it. "Do you have to do something today?" I shake my head and wipe off my tears. "That's good." He lets go off my hand and starts driving. "Can we not talk about that motherfucker? Or about what happened?"

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