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"Why are we doing this?" I ask Sean in the gym room while lying down on the mat, all sweaty and tired

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"Why are we doing this?" I ask Sean in the gym room while lying down on the mat, all sweaty and tired. "Isn't it too early for this? I came here to relax. Not to do shit."

"You need to get back in shape." He picks up a face towel and wipes off sweat from his face. "You never know what would happen." He throws the face towel at me and I kick it off. "Get up. We're not done."

"Let's continue later. I need some sleep."

"You didn't sleep last night?" I sit on the mat and ruffle my hair to get the sweat out. "She did some numbers on you." He laughs.

"I told you to keep her out of your mouth."

"Look at you glaring at me." He smirks. "Get up and make me some food."

"Don't start this shit with me. I'm not your chef." He scoffs and heads out. I get up from the mat and follow him to the hall.

"We're partying out today. Are you in?"

"Fuck no."

"You're so boring." He huffs at me and I push him off. He starts laughing, heading to the kitchen. I look up the stairs and freeze. My dad is here, glaring at us from the stairs. "What should we..." Sean turns around and when he sees him too, he stops talking. I hear him mumble a cuss. "Fuck,"

My dad walks down and my heart starts beating abnormally. I rub my sweaty palms on the shorts I'm wearing. I can hear my breath fasten as he gets closer to us. Sean walks to me and stands beside me.

My dad gets closer and stands in front of us. Then, looking at me, he asks, "why have you been refusing to meet up?"

"I... had classes, sir." I gulp down.

"You're still bad at covering up." I bite my lip and he scowls at me. "How is your girlfriend?"

"We're not together anymore." I quickly answer.

"Good choice. I don't want you getting distracted. You're already bad enough." I grit my teeth.

"Dad, you said you're leaving him out of it." Sean defends.

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